
4 Things To Know About Your Mental Health Benefits At Work

We are just beginning to see the impact that the coronavirus has had on mental health in the workplace and in general. Mental Health America released its 2023 report on the State of Mental Health in America, which collected data from the third and fourth quarters of 2020, showing that 21% of adults are experiencing a mental health illness — over 50 million Americans. In a more recent Gallup Poll, 44% of employees experienced stress “a lot” the previous day.

Mental Health America reported that as of June 2022, more than 152 million people lived in mental health workforce shortage areas, meaning that there are not enough mental health workers to meet the country’s mental health needs. One of the contributing factors? Low reimbursement rates for mental health providers, which increases out-of-network practitioners. A recent report showed that 17.2% of mental health workers were out-of-network providers compared to just 3.2% for primary care providers and 4.3% for medical/surgical specialists.

A survey conducted by the American Psychological Association showed that 71% of workers believe their employers care about this issue, and more than 80% agreed that how employers support mental health will make a difference when looking for work.

Despite the need and sentiment about mental health issues in the U.S., only a fraction of employees are taking advantage of workplace mental health benefits or Employee Assistance Programs. The answer might be in the complexity of navigating employer-based benefits — there is a fundamental breakdown in communication between HR departments and employees.

Here are four things to know about mental health benefits at work:

1. Insurance coverage is different in every state. In a nutshell, the federal government sets guidelines or minimum standards that each state must meet, but some states go further than others. For example, some states may provide better coverage for many types of mental illness, whereas others may limit coverage to serious mental illnesses or biologically based mental illnesses.

Remote workers have another challenge. Their mental health benefits often pertain to the state where their employer is based. If they live out of state, insurance may only cover a portion. Many out-of-state workers (remote workers living in a different state from their employer’s corporate address) may have to pay out-of-network copays.

2. Not all insurance plans cover mental health. Parity or equal coverage laws prohibit healthcare plans from discriminating between coverages for mental illness, serious mental illness, substance abuse, and other physical disorders and diseases. The Affordable Care Act requires qualified health plans to meet certain standards, including sufficient in-network health care providers. Yet, many employees are unable to find in-network providers or discover extensive waiting periods before getting treatment.

A 2022 America’s Health Insurance Plans poll shows things are changing. Three in four insured Americans (73%) reported it was easy to get the mental health support they needed, and 91% were satisfied with their treatment… But only four in ten (38%) were able to find treatment within a week or two.

3. Know your “why” before telling your boss about mental health concerns. There are two broad types of mental illness: mental disorders and mental health challenges. Both have an effect on work performance. A mental disorder is often long-lasting and formally diagnosed by a mental health practitioner. Examples include depression, anxiety disorders, substance abuse, and PTSD. Mental health challenges may be temporary and triggered by specific events, such as discrimination, bullying, a recent breakup, or other significant occurrences.

Before disclosing mental health concerns — which are protected by HIPPA laws — think about the outcome you want from your employer. Do you need some time off or a temporary reduction in workload? Or do you need permanent accommodations like a quiet workspace or a flexible schedule?

In the US, it’s illegal for your employer to fire you, modify your employment contract, or withhold things like promotions based on disclosing mental health conditions. Unfortunately, mental health discrimination in the workplace still happens. Know your rights, clarify discrimination, and talk to HR sooner rather than later if you feel you’re being discriminated against.

4. Employee assistance programs (EAP) can help. The majority of mid- to large-sized companies offer EAPs, often at little to no cost to employees. EAPs traditionally helped employees with substance abuse problems but now cover a variety of other services, including mental health issues, child and elder care, financial or legal problems, and adoption assistance.

Unfortunately, studies show that employee utilization of EAPs is below 10% within a given year. Almost half of the employees surveyed don’t know whether their employer offers EAPs. And only 5% of employers are pleased with the EAP they offer.

Mental health affects engagement in the workplace, thus, performance. And despite the stigma associated with getting help, research shows that 86% of employees treated for depression report an improvement in job performance. Some studies have shown a reduction in absenteeism and presenteeism by 40 to 60%. Presenteeism is showing up to work while struggling with physical or mental health concerns.

One of the benefits of the pandemic is the growing awareness of mental health in the workplace. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, talk to your human resources department. Find out what benefits are available to you and take advantage of those.


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