personal finance

5 Ways You Might Be Cheating on Your Taxes — And Why You Will Get Caught

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

I’m not going to name names, but over the past 25 years of practicing accounting, I’ve run across a fair number of business owners who are tax cheats. These are the people that are playing what I call “audit roulette.” They are knowingly underpaying the taxes they owe and hoping they don’t get selected for an audit. Considering that the IRS only audits less than 3% of corporate tax returns (it’s .1% for S-Corporations) — and most of them are larger companies with bigger pocketbooks — it’s not a bad gamble.

Are you cheating on your business taxes — or thinking about it? I don’t recommend it. Here are the five most popular ways I’ve seen people do this and — most importantly — how they get caught.

Related: Make Tax Season As Painless as Possible by Taking These 6 Steps

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