
800-mile-long 'DUNE' experiment could reveal the hidden dimensions of the universe

For more than a century, scientists have been fascinated by the possibility that hidden, minuscule spatial dimensions could be influencing the physics of our familiar three-dimensional world. Despite decades of experimental searches, however, there has yet to be concrete evidence of these extra dimensions. Now, a recent study proposes a way to advance this search: using the upcoming Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) to probe these hidden dimensions through neutrino behavior.

Neutrinos are among the universe’s most elusive particles, earning them the nickname “ghost particles.” There are three known types — or “flavors” — of neutrinos, each with a mass billions of times smaller than an electron’s. These particles are remarkable in their ability to transform — or oscillate — into different flavors as they travel through space, even without interacting with other particles.

Studying neutrinos with DUNE


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