
Japanese Overdesign Makes for a Great Exterior Trash Can

These wheeled garbage cans by Risu Co. feature Japanese overdesign on full display. It makes me smile.

One, the cans are molded with integrated connection points on the sides, so you can link up two cans, in keeping with the country’s orderliness:

Two, they actually come with a replaceable seal so bad smells won’t leak out, which might offend the sensibilities:

Three, there’s a drain plug at the bottom, so you can rinse them out if, heaven forbid, any garbage gets on the garbage can’s interior surface:

I have no illusions that these garbage cans would work for America; their largest size available is 90 liters, which at 23.8 gallons is less than half the volume of our 50-gallon Yankee trash monsters. But I wouldn’t mind having a drain plug on the bottom of mine.


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