As soon as customers pay the $2,500 reserve price, they’ll receive a randomized build slot number and an NFT of the vehicle. A customer might not have the car yet, but the NFT may become quite valuable if DeLorean sells all 4,000 build slots.
Instead of selling build slots and cars at highly inflated rates as availability decreases, DeLorean has established a trading website specifically for hopeful reservation and non-reservation holders. This allows customers to sell or trade slots at a price they can determine. Since reservation numbers will be randomly allocated, owners can pay more for an earlier slot.
If, for example, an eager customer comes across another buyer with built slot 133, they can trade their 1,458 for $10,000. If you get an early build slot, there’s a grand opportunity to make some cash, but you must be patient.
Owners will only be allowed to customize their Alpha 5 six months before the production date.