
4 Ways A Single Word Has The Power To Positively Change Your Perspective

As a professional writer, I believe in the power of words. Depending on their use, they can hold us back or propel us forward. This is especially true when applied to our perspective.

Depending on how we view a situation, it can be negative or positive. Psychologists call this “reframing” because it helps create a different way of viewing and experiencing events, ideas, concepts, and emotions to find more positive alternatives which influence your thoughts and behaviors.

And surprisingly, just a single word can make a massive difference in positively changing your perspective; here are four ways how:

1. Add “yet”

When you feel frustrated about what you currently can’t do or don’t have—strike out on your own, understand how to operate a new piece of technology, or your dream job— it’s easy to get trapped in a downward spiral.

However, when you add the word “yet” after one of these negative statements, it transforms it into a more positive one: “I don’t have my dream job” becomes “I don’t have my dream job yet.”

“Yet” implies that there will be a future solution or resolution; the current situation is only temporary. Adding “yet” speaks to possibilities rather than constraints.

2. Swap “have to” with “get to”

Has your to-do list become a to-dread list? When you find yourself lamenting about having to do something, use your awareness to catch yourself. Even if you usually like doing it, that task has become a point of stress rather than a source of joy.

When you swap out an “I have to” with “I get to,” everything changes. “I have to create a new marketing plan” is an obligation, whereas “I get to create a new marketing plan” is an opportunity. Having to do something feels like a chore; getting to do something feels like a reward.

3. Turn “Yes, but…” into “Yes, and…”

You can come up with reasons why things won’t work or improve when stressed. In these instances, your reaction to a suggestion might be to say, “Yes, but…”. However, “Yes, but…” is discouraging, disheartening, and negative; it halts a conversation and any forward progress of an idea.

Improvisation, which is rooted in the principle of “Yes, and…” offers a simple way to reframe those situations. In improv, one partner must agree with what the other has just said or done and then add to it by saying, “Yes, and…”.

“Yes, and…” is a builder that invites collaboration; “Yes, but…” shuts things down.

Cultivating a “Yes, and…” mindset means that you’re curious about and open to the suggestions of others, agree with at least part of what they say, and then find a way to build on their ideas.

4. Shift from “I’m going through this” to “I’m growing through this”

We all know those who think the world has conspired against them. They possess a victim mentality and ask, Why me? They’re perpetually in crisis mode, fearful, anxious, sad, and fail to take action.

When you feel challenged, you’re offered two perspectives from which to view the situation.

Choosing to see your current circumstances as “I’m going through this” can be demoralizing and deflating. Going through something is passive; it’s happening to you. In this scenario, you remain pessimistic, primarily driven by fear, and resigned to the status quo.

However, those who fare far better elect to adopt an alternate mindset where they tell themselves, “I’m growing through this.” Growing through something is action-oriented, positive, and empowering. It means you’ll emerge from your current circumstances with newly acquired wisdom, changed for the better.

Shifting your mindset to the possibilities of a situation helps you not only while you’re in the midst of a trying time but also enables you to reframe future scenarios so you can thrive.

Or, to cite another one-word example: moving from a “glass half-empty” to a “glass half-full” mindset.


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