
Magistrate warned over 'politically sensitive' radio interview

A magistrate has been issued with a formal warning after discussing politics in a local radio interview with the BBC. During the BBC Radio Essex interview, Colin Adams discussed Covid rule breaches by the previous and current prime ministers as well as government policies and criminal law.

Adams had asked the interviewer not to mention his judicial status, the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office stated. But when it was referred to in the interview, Adams ‘did not correct the interviewer to make clear that he was speaking in a private capacity or stop the interview’. 

BBC Radio Essex signage

BBC Radio Essex later apologised to Adams for introducing him as a magistrate.

Adams was issued with a formal warning for contravening guidance to the judiciary about contact with the media and discussing political issues.

Guidance for the judiciary advises judicial office-holders to consult their relevant leadership judge and ensure they are not described by their judicial role when taking part in media interviews. The guidance cautions that taking part in public debates risks undermining public confidence in the impartiality of the judiciary. 

An investigation by the south east region conduct advisory committee found Adams ‘demonstrated a lack of judgment and risked bringing the magistracy into disrepute’.

A spokesperson for the investigations office said: ‘In deciding to issue [Adams] with a formal warning, Mr Justice Keehan and the lord chancellor took into account that Mr Adams accepted that it was inappropriate to comment on politically sensitive topics, and had expressed remorse over the incident.’


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