
Team Atlas: Building robots to solve practical problems – The Business Standard

Team Atlas: Building robots to solve practical problems

12 April, 2023, 11:00 am

Last modified: 12 April, 2023, 11:04 am

Usually, Team Atlas’ primary focus is to design robots that solve practical problems. For instance, a robot named Defender can be deployed to combat a fire accident.

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“In light of increasing fires related accidents in our country, there is a growing need for advanced technological solutions. We have designed the robot for exactly this purpose.”

The robot can swiftly locate the source of a fire and bring it under control. The robot’s mission begins with identifying the main source of the fire, followed by using its advanced technology to assess the severity of the spread and extinguish the flames. Additionally, the robot provides various services to people trapped in the fire, enhancing its overall effectiveness in fire control.

“Advanced robots can play a vital role in controlling extreme fire situations, such as the Banga Bazar fire incident. Many countries worldwide are already utilising automated systems for fire control. Our indigenous technology can be utilised to create even more effective robots in the local context,” said Jubayer.

Earlier in 2021, Team Atlas was honoured with the Digital Bangladesh Award for this Defender project. Speaking about the project, he stated, “We created the Defender with funding from the ICT division. In the next three months, we will go for a practical trial with Defender.”

Photo: Curtesy

Photo: Curtesy

Photo: Curtesy

At home and abroad, they have received plenty of awards. By 2018, having already won 35 national prizes, they decided to go international. Most notably, they were among the finalists in the World Robotics Championship in India in 2022. Meanwhile, they also earned the prestigious title of Galactic Problem Solver in the NASA Space Apps Challenge in both 2021 and 2022.

Apart from the team achievements, Jubayer has had some remarkable individual accomplishments as well.

“I won a Gold Medal in the Bangladesh Robot Olympiad 2019 and a Bronze Medal representing Bangladesh in the 2019 International Robot Olympiad held in Thailand,” he shared.

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During the pandemic, the team participated in the online international festival ‘Coronathon’, organised by the ICT division and Daffodil University. They developed an affordable automatic ventilator, which earned them the championship title.

In the 2021 National Robotic Challenge, they presented Sigma 20, a firefighting robot that won them the championship and is now on display at the National Science and Technology Museum. The museum has made it a permanent exhibit.

The team also has plans to venture into advanced submarine robotics and automobile engineering. 

Wall-O: AI Based Office Assistant Robot. Photo: Curtesy

Wall-O: AI Based Office Assistant Robot. Photo: Curtesy

Wall-O: AI Based Office Assistant Robot. Photo: Curtesy

“We aim to develop a low-cost and eco-friendly car and have already started working on engine modifications. We plan to participate in competitions like formula racing where different student car projects are showcased and compete against each other,” said Jubayer.

In 2019, Team Atlas participated in the World Robotic Championship held at Indira Gandhi Stadium in New Delhi, India. The competition saw over 2,500 teams from around the world competing in various categories, including robot racing. Team Atlas became the second-best country team and 13th as a team, with the first 12 teams being from India.

That same year, they also began exploring underwater robots alongside their work on the Mars Rover and basic robot segments. Despite facing several challenges due to the unavailability of expensive and advanced technology in Bangladesh, Team Atlas managed to make it to the shortlist teams at Singapore Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (SAUVC).

While they did not have a good frame or a special submersible motor for their underwater robot project, they managed to exceed their expectations. Their ability to use local technology and their own ingenuity was a significant accomplishment for the young team.


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