
Census unlikely before LS polls; citizens to be asked about … – EastMojo

New Delhi: The decadal Census, which was postponed for an indefinite period due to the pandemic, is unlikely to be held before the next Lok Sabha elections that are due in April-May 2024, officials said.

Access to smartphones, Internet, laptops, computers, cars, two-wheelers, main cereal consumed are some of the 31 questions to be asked in the Census, whenever it is held.

The house listing phase of the Census and the exercise to update the National Population Register (NPR) were scheduled to be carried out across the country from April 1 to September 30, 2020, but was postponed due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

The Census operation continues to be on hold and the government has not yet announced a new schedule.

In January, the Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India conveyed that the date of freezing of administrative boundaries — creation of new districts or sub-districts — has been extended to June 30, the officials said.

According to the norms, the Census can be conducted only three months after (post September 30) freezing of boundary limits of administrative units such as districts, sub-districts, tehsils, taluks and police stations.

Two to three months will also be required to train the entire 30 lakh government employees/teachers across India who will be engaged as enumerators for the Census.


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