Here’s what we looked at this week:
The Leatherman Style PS is a (supposedly) travel-friendly no-knife multi-tool. It complies with TSA requirements, but you have to hope it complies with the TSA agent’s mood.
Viille is furniture designer Ari Kanerva’s visually interesting take on stackable stools.
Despite debuting in 2002, industrial designer Maarten Baptist’s Outline Cutlery still somehow looks current.
LG’s StandByMe Go is a battery-powered touchscreen monitor in a briefcase.
Parameters, by ID student Linus Brorsson, are a series of “expression controllers for electronic music.”
Industrial designer Gustav Carlberg’s stackable outdoor Tråd Chair seems like it should be a design classic.
In Sandtrix, an unauthorized Tetris variant, the blocks crumble after landing. Color-matching becomes the goal. A creative way to rethink long-established game mechanics.
Great example of a simple design finding crowdfunding success. 55 66 88, by design firm CW&T, is a a 3-way phone stand made of extruded aluminum.