• Nigeria’s .ng missing in domain name rating as Google processes 3.5b searches
The number of emails exchanged daily has increased to 333.2 billion, a sharp rise from 306 billion recorded in 2020. A survey by BroadbandSearch, titled: ‘Key Internet Statistics in 2023 (Including Mobile)’ said the Internet grows each year, but that 2022 was a special year.
It noted that the COVID-19 pandemic is still very much around, keeping people at home and making the world rely on digital technology more than ever before.
The platform said social media, video platforms, e-Commerce and searches saw increased usage that makes people live pretty much their entire lives online. It said with this increased usage, peoples’ Internet connection sometimes has a hard time keeping up.
Thus far in 2023, with a current worldwide estimated population of 7.9 billion, BroadbandSearch said approximately 5.25 billion people have access to and use the internet, which means that 66.2 per cent of the world’s population uses the net.
According to it, from the year 2000 to 2023, the usage of the Internet increased by 1,355 per cent. Specifically, it noted that in 2023, Asia continues to account for the majority of Internet users with 2,790,150,527 people in the region online, which makes up 53.1 per cent of the global Internet population.
It disclosed that 93.4 per cent of North America and 88.4 per cent of Europe have access to and use the Internet. These are the two regions in the world with the highest Internet penetration rates. The Middle East has seen a 6,141 per cent growth in Internet usage since 2000.
The report said there are currently 370.7 million registered domain names in the world, stressing that 34.5 per cent of all websites are using WordPress as their content management system, which is over 127 million websites.
With Nigeria’s .ng domain name missing among the world’s best, BroadbandSearch listed the most common domain name extensions to include .com; .net; .org; .co; and .us. In terms of Internet usage, there are 158 million users via the narrowband, while some 91 million explore the web via broadband facilities in the country, according to data from the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC).
BroadbandSearch, said: “In 2020, 306 billion emails were being sent every day. By 2023, this number has increased to 333.2 billion emails sent and received per day. Additionally, every minute, Americans generate 3,138,420 GB of Internet traffic. With this increased usage, our Internet connection and cybersecurity should also keep up.
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On Internet traffic, it added that in 2023, 54.4 per cent of all traffic worldwide is conducted on mobile phone devices. It recalled that in recent years, the total has been unsteady, going up and down based on current events.
According to it, most indications are that mobile will settle somewhere near 50 per cent of all traffic, recalling that in 2009, just 0.7 per cent of internet traffic worldwide was from mobile devices.
It revealed that 62.78 per cent of people browsing the Internet are using Google Chrome as their primary browser, while 19.3 per cent of people browsing the Internet are using Safari to do it and 4.2 per cent of Internet users choose Firefox as their main browser.
On social media usage statistics, BroadbandSearch said Facebook has 2.9 billion active users; YouTube 2.5 billion; WhatsApp two billion active users; Instagram: 1.478 billion.
Others are Weixin/WeChat 1.26 billion active users; TikTok one billion; Facebook Messenger 988 million; Douyin 600 million; QQ 574 million; Sina Weibo 573 million active users.
According to the firm, there are now dozens of streaming platforms worldwide. It said the most popular video streaming platforms based most recent information are: YouTube 1.8 billion unique monthly visitors; Netflix 150 million; Vimeo 130 million Yahoo Screen 125 million; DailyMotion: 100 million and Hulu 75 million unique monthly visitors.
In terms of search statistics, the report observed that Google accounted for 92.01 per cent of the global search engine market share. The rest is divided among Bing, Yahoo!, and Baidu. For mobile search engine market share, Google.com again dominates with 95.23 per cent of usage worldwide. Google processes over 3.5 billion searches every single day. That’s 1.2 trillion searches each year and 40,000 every second.