A high-speed pursuit of a stolen BMW by the Millburn Police through Maplewood resulted in damage to two vehicles at Prospect and Parker — just east of Columbia High School — and damage to a property on Prospect.
The Maplewood Police Department reports that they were “not involved in the vehicle pursuit but assisted in the arrest” of the suspect, who fled on foot after crashing the stolen BMW.
A local resident reported on SOMA Lounge, “The stolen car totaled our friend’s car which was stopped at the light going down Parker toward CHS (my wife was in the front passenger seat) and the Millburn police totaled another vehicle that was passing through the intersection with the green light. Everyone is very shaken but okay. Thank god for the air bags.”
[Note: the Maplewood Police report below states that the driver of the BMW hit both of the damaged cars.]
The Maplewood resident wrote, “Why the Millburn police are endangering Maplewood citizens in a crazy stolen car chase is one question we have. It’s stolen and insurance will handle that, so why endanger others?”
One commenter on SOMA Lounge reported, “They [the Millburn Police] came down Ridgewood Road in front of Morrow Church at what seemed like, no joke, 70 MPH.”
Another commenter wrote, “Two police cars came flying up Hixon Place at a high rate of speed around” 8:00-8:15 p.m.
At 8:24 p.m. the Maplewood PD sent out a Nixle alert directing residents to “Use caution, Criminal activity in the area of Prospect St and Parker Ave.”
Village Green has reached out to Maplewood officials and Millburn PD for clarification on vehicle pursuit protocols and will update this story when a response is received.
From Maplewood Police:
On 08/28/23 at approximately 8:22 pm, Maplewood Police Officers responded to Parker Avenue and Prospect Street on a motor vehicle accident. Once on scene, Maplewood officers observed two vehicles disabled and a third vehicle, a black BMW reported stolen, in the yard of 520 Prospect Street.
Officers at the location investigated the accidents and determined that the driver of the stolen BMW struck the two vehicles on Prospect and Parker and crashed at 520 Prospect Street. Millburn Police later apprehended the driver of the stolen vehicle.
The Maplewood Police Department was not involved in the vehicle pursuit but assisted in the arrest with the Millburn Police Department.
South Essex Fire Department/EMS evaluated all involved vehicle occupants with no further medical assistance requested.