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Are you a buy-to-let investor thinking of moving into student properties to boost your rental profits?
Or are you retreating from the niche — whether by switching to a short-term Airbnb model, seeking professional tenants or selling up?
FT Money wants to hear from readers who are considering what to do. Some may have already switched course as a way of offsetting the higher costs facing landlords and capitalising on the high number of students at UK universities.
Demand is fast outpacing the ability of institutional providers to build new student-focused properties, leaving the private rented sector to fill the gap. Rising rents in properties with multiple tenants may ease the burden of mortgage interest costs and assuage fears of the impact of the upcoming renters reform bill. But there are signs that other landlords are nonetheless exiting the student sector.
We want to hear from you — email us in confidence at and tell us about your experience. What factors fed into your decision? We will use your insights to inform our reporting of this story.