
I caught my nuisance neighbour swiping my pricey garden gravel every day for WEEKS – but I got my own revenge

A WOMAN was gobsmacked when she noticed a nightmare neighbour had been stealing her gravel for weeks – but she’s vowed to get revenge.

Fuming homeowner, Sue Calwell, was stunned when her newly laid white ‘Cotswold’ stones started to vanish from her driveway in Blackpool, Lancashire.

Sue Cowell discovered her neighbour has stolen around 400 expensive stones from her driveway


Sue Cowell discovered her neighbour has stolen around 400 expensive stones from her drivewayCredit: Kennedy News
Kieran Dobson, AKA GravelMan, vowed he won't stop until he's caught in the act


Kieran Dobson, AKA GravelMan, vowed he won’t stop until he’s caught in the actCredit: KennedyNews/@babylegsbruh

She was then shocked to discover the culprit lived right next door – and posted his mischievous activity on his own public TikTok account.

Kieran Dobson had shamelessly scooped stones, about 20 on each calculated trip, and around 400 later had fashioned his own decorative border.

There’s going to be revenge

Sue Calwell

He vowed he wouldn’t stop until Sue catches him in the act herself.

The 31-year-old menace confessed he liked the look of “expensive” gravel, and only pulled the stunt because he knew Sue would see the funny side.

But, his 67-year-old neighbour has branded him a “bl**dy nuisance”.

Sue said: “He’s a bl**dy nuisance. I can’t believe it.

“I paid such a lot of money for those Cotswold stones, I thought what the hell is going on there’s like a ridge going each day.

“It’s all a good laugh but I’ll get him back, don’t worry. There’s going to be revenge.

“He’s such a lovely person and has made this street a happy place. It’s great to be able to have a laugh with your neighbour.”


Meanwhile, stone stealer Kieran said: “They got a delivery of gravel that’s double the price of what we purchased so knowing she’s got a good sense of humour I thought I’d take some.

“I’m going to create a border in the front garden because their gravel is contrasting to ours and when we get a bit of sun it reflects even better off theirs than it does off ours.

If you have a neighbour you can’t have a joke with then you need to move to another area

Kieran Dobson

“I thought I’d get a bit of it each day to make it as sneaky as possible. I think it’s hilarious and I’m glad she wasn’t angry.

“I’m an adrenaline junkie. I love riding roller coasters and jumping off bridges but I can’t do that all the time so this is the next best thing

“They still haven’t caught me to this day and she wasn’t angry at all and now she’s on a mission to catch me doing it.”

To the “Karens” who threaten to call the police, Kieran says “you’re either born with a sense of humour or you’re not”.

But he claimed “99 per cent” of people love the light-hearted prank.

“If you have a neighbour you can’t have a joke with then you need to move to another area,” he added.

How to complain about a neighbour to the council

If you have tried and failed to resolve your neighbourly issue by talking to your neighbour you can approach your local council.

Before approaching your council you should always try to compromise with your neighbours.

Consider neighbour mediation before instructing lawyers to try and resolve disputes.

If their behaviour crosses into verbal abuse and intimidation that can be classed as antisocial behaviour.

You can ask the police to get involved when your neighbours are rowdy or inconsiderate, damage your property or dump rubbish.

In this case injunctions can be imposed, fines can be handed out, or courts could make Criminal Behaviour Orders (formerly known as ASBOs).

For extreme cases the nuisance neighbours can be evicted or rehoused.

You need to keep a log of all the incidents so you can accurately report the issue.

In the event of an emergency, such as if your neighbour physically attacks you, always call 999.

The friendly neighbour war has amassed over five million views on TikTok, and the attention has seen Kieran change his platform name to GravelMan.

It’s left people divided and the viral videos often spark heated debate in the comment section.

One fan wrote: “I’m invested in this.”

While another penned: “This kills me. Look at the border he’s already got.”

A third added: “The evil, mischievous laugh gets me with every handful.”

But an unimpressed viewer commented: “You have too much time on your hands.”

“What a tosser,” said another.

It comes as other neighbours have found themselves embroiled in more bitter disputes.

One man who harassed the couple next door for 15 years was finally hauled before a court.

Meanwhile, another man waged war with his neighbours after their massive trees made life a misery – and he won.

Plus, terrified locals who still live in fear of a crowbar-wielding neighbour from hell – who has been banned from their village until 2037.

The 31-year-old is glad Sue can see the funny side of things


The 31-year-old is glad Sue can see the funny side of thingsCredit: KennedyNews/@babylegsbruh
His TikToks have amassed millions of views


His TikToks have amassed millions of viewsCredit: KennedyNews/@babylegsbruh
His mischievous behaviour divides opinion


His mischievous behaviour divides opinionCredit: KennedyNews/@babylegsbruh


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