
Carried off by a table fan

In this sweltering heat, we know how much the air conditioner is non-negotiable. But there’s a joy we may have forgotten about – facing the wind made by a whirling table fan. This pleasure holds the magic of a natural phenomenon inside the protective, charmed circle of your home. The fan’s breeze is you sitting in a sofa and, yet, if you close your eyes, soaking in the cool windy breeze of a choppy sea coast.

With its rhythmic oscillations, the table fan feeds you all the cool air you crave. And, unlike the AC, it does it with gusto and dramatic display. If you wear your hair long, you could well be having your head outside a speeding car window, letting the strands fly like a fluttering flag in the wind.

The wind the fan generates isn’t just about cooling you – that the AC does more effectively. It’s about making you feel movement, liberated as the wind tousles your hair, and washes over your face.

So, turn on that fan even as your AC does the needful. Tilt towards this windmill next to you.


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