Welcome to the Tech 10, a video series that explores the key questions driving technological change and innovation today.
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Welcome to the Tech 10, a video series that explores the key
questions driving technological change and innovation today.
Across 10 episodes in 2025, we’ll bring the future of
technology to the forefront of the boardroom agenda, homing in on
the hottest trending topics – from AI to tech modernisation,
cybersecurity and privacy to data foundations.
To help business leaders shape a competitive advantage in 2025,
we bring insights from industry experts, clients, and real-world
case studies to redefine how technology in its many forms is being
harnessed as a driver of growth, innovation, and resilience.
In our first episode, Paul Kelly speaks to John Cotterell, CEO
of Endava, a leading provider of next-generation technology
services. They discuss the transformation opportunities presented
by disruption, examining how organisations can harness these forces
to stay ahead in an era of persistent, rapid change.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.