
Scientists discover all humans can read minds… and how you can tap into telepathic abilities

Scientists have discovered how to unlock telepathic abilities they say are trapped inside the brains of every human.

Researchers in Canada uncovered that parts of the brain actually act as a ‘psi inhibitor’ – meaning it suppresses the natural psychic, telepathic, and clairvoyant abilities people have but don’t know about.

When scientists turned off this ‘filter’ – by inducing reversible brain lesions in the frontal lobes of volunteers – it enhanced the patients’ psi abilities, allowing them to influence objects with their minds.

 ‘Psi’ is a phenomenon that includes telepathy (mind-mind connections), clairvoyance (perception of future events or distant objects), precognition (knowing what will happen before it does), and psychokinesis (moving objects with your mind).

The filter was turned off by a process called repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), which uses a non-invasive device to send magnetic waves to specific brain regions.

In experiments, volunteers with these brain lesions developed the power to change the outcomes of a Random Event Generator (REG) with their minds – moving the arrow on a computer screen which was choosing 0s and 1s at random.

Lead researcher Morris Freedman of Baycrest Health Sciences said these findings, ‘are potentially transformative for the way we view interactions between the brain and seemingly random events.’

The brain filter discovery may, ‘significantly advance research in the area of psi, helping to bring this phenomenon into the realm of mainstream science,’ Dr. Freedman added.

Scientists have discovered a ‘filter’ in the human brain which appears to suppress natural psychic abilities

The idea that a small number of gifted people have supernatural abilities, and even psychic powers, has been around for centuries. 

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Throughout history, there have been accounts of famous individuals who allegedly had the power to predict the future, including Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce. 

However, the 2024 study in the journal Cortex was based on a radical idea: that the human brain might actively block psychic abilities – meaning everyone might have access to them.

Scientists noted that if these powers really existed, evolution should have favored them and made them dominant human traits.

Clearly that hasn’t happened, even though many people claim to occasionally experience psychic phenomena – like knowing someone is about to call you before they do it.

So, Freedman and a team in Toronto began examining the human brain to see if something is actively preventing these powers from coming to the surface.

Researchers recruited 108 healthy people and split them into three groups, each one receiving rTMS on a different part of the brain.

Typically, rTMS is performed to treat conditions like depression, but the scientists in this experiment used the procedure to disrupt brain activity.

Nostradamus may have had access to his psychic abilities, as many believe he correctly predicted future world events centuries before they happened

Nostradamus may have had access to his psychic abilities, as many believe he correctly predicted future world events centuries before they happened

One group received this treatment on the right medial middle frontal region and another received a placebo treatment which did not change their brains.

Neither group saw any change in their psi abilities after rTMS therapy.

However, the volunteers who received rTMS on their left medial middle frontal region saw these abilities increase noticeably.

‘This study confirmed our hypothesis,’ Freedman said in a statement from the Bial Foundation, which supported the research.

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‘Individuals with neurological or reversible rTMS induced frontal lesions may represent a useful group for detection and replication of this phenomenon.’

The left medial middle frontal region plays a critical role in higher brain functions.

Scientists have found that this area of the frontal lobe contributes to executive functioning, which includes planning, making decisions, and working towards our goals.

It also appears to help people focus their attention and suppress irrelevant or inappropriate impulses.

Now, Freedman suggests the left medial middle frontal region may be suppressing much more than human urges.

The world’s fascination with unlocking their psychic gifts is certainly growing in recent year.

In fact, a new podcast called ‘The Telepathy Tapes’ replaced ‘The Joe Rogan Experience’ as the number one most popular audio show on Spotify in January.

Co-hosted by journalist and filmmaker Ky Dickens and psychiatrist Dr. Diane Hennacy Powell, the show explores the ‘profound abilities’ of people with autism who can’t speak. 

Those abilities, according to Dickens and Dr. Powell, include telepathy, access to infinite knowledge, and the power to visit heaven.

On a recent episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, Rogan said he listens to the show, and believes ‘some telepathy is real.’

‘I’m only on episode two, but it’s really fascinating man,’ he added.

As for Michel de Nostredame, or Nostradamus, he was a French apothecary and seer who published prophecies from 1550 until his death in 1568. 

He was credited with predicting some of history’s most noteworthy events, include the Great Fire of London and the rise of Adolf Hitler.

Was it just a lucky guess, or true psi abilities? Humans may soon be able to unlock the answer hiding in our minds. 

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