Advanced Utility Solutions, LLC operations manager Mike Hubner reported a roof leak at Akeley’s water treatment plant.
He told the Akeley City Council on Wednesday, March 12.
AUS is contracted to operate the city’s water and wastewater systems.
Hubner said there was a puddle of water on the floor, adding he’ll keep an eye on the roof. He hopes the repair could be rolled into another project, if possible.
Hubner also reviewed a list of eight utility-related repairs around town that he plans to tackle this summer.
Paul Bunyan Days planning
The council heard two requests from Akeley Paul Bunyan Days Committee.
Committee member Peg Davies reported they found a new company, with better rates, to provide portable bathrooms. The committee will use their own funds. They asked the city to pay for three large garbage dumpsters rather than the bathrooms this year.
“Paul Bunyan Days is growing every year, and there’s more garbage,” Davies said.
Council consensus was to get quotes for dumpsters.
The committee also asked the city to close a section of the alley between the parking lot and the museum to through-traffic.
Mayor Brian Hitchcock said they can slow down traffic, but not close it since the Heartland State Trail runs through the area.
Councilor Dan Riggs suggested putting up “little, green men” signs urging people to slow down.
Councilor Billy Krotzer was absent.
In other business, the council did this:
- Accepted a $2,150 quote from Hansen’s Electric Inc. of Park Rapids to fix the city’s irrigation system. The council approved spending up to $2,500. Hubner said irrigation typically starts in May.
“We need this fixed,” said Hitchcock.
- Approved a 22-by-24-foot trailhead bathroom design that eliminates a family bathroom in favor of extra toilets in the men’s and women’s bathrooms. This version is supported by the Akeley Community Projects Committee. City Clerk Kristi Kath said Emcon was working on an updated blueprint, which is necessary before calling for bids on the project.
Committee member Chuck Andress said he applied for an AARP grant, which if approved, would offset costs for foundation/concrete work.
- Set the local board of adjustment and equalization for 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, April 16.
- Approved a multijurisdictional 2024 Hubbard County Hazard Mitigation Plan. In order to apply and receive FEMA mitigation grants, this plan is required. Other participants in the plan are the cities of Nevis and Park Rapids and the county.
- Heard from Akeley Police Chief Jimmy Hansen there was one traffic stop, two medical, one citation/charge, three vehicle/animal-related crashes, one welfare check, one animal complaint and five assist public/gas drive-offs in March.