Immigration is often thought of as a southern border issue. How does the conversation differ in a northeastern state like New Jersey?
Trump’s focus on raids in blue cities has upended the traditional “immigration” map. Migrant communities across the country are now living in the shadows, terrified for their children, afraid to go to work or the grocery store. This isn’t a conversation about the border anymore, it’s a question about what it means to be an American: who belongs here, who doesn’t. Who we count as “us,” and who will forever remain “them.”

You wrote a book about your mother’s immigrant experience from Burma. How does your personal story inform your reporting?
Perhaps because I come from a family of immigrants, I’m naturally inclined towards covering stories about identity: how we define ourselves, what it means to leave one place and become a part of another. Immigration is a story about borders and policy, but it’s also the most human story of them all.
Prior to Trumpland, you hosted the Six Feet Apart podcast. What are your favorite aspects of this particular medium? Was there a learning curve to telling stories in audio form?
I love podcasting, and not only because you get to wear less makeup! The latitude of the audio format is so incredible for telling stories, and exploring themes in deep and unusual ways. Honestly, the hardest part is figuring out what to cut: if I had my way, the podcast would probably be 3 hours long! (I see you, Joe Rogan!)