
Best 2023 Video Games Critics Love The Most (So Far) – CBR – Comic Book Resources

It’s an exciting time to be a video game fan across all platforms. The latter half of 2023 is stacked with huge releases from all three major console makers. The highlights include Xbox and PC’s Starfield, PlayStation’s Spider-Man 2 and Nintendo’s Super Mario Bros. Wonder, as well as a number of exciting third-party titles.



However, the start of the year has also been full of top-quality releases, including hugely-anticipated blockbusters, several smaller gems and a number of high-profile remakes. As the summer months draw to a close, fans should reflect on this incredible year of gaming and examine the 10 best video games of 2023 so far, according to their Metacritic scores.

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10 Dead Space (89/100)

Dead Space is a remake of the 2008 classic of the same name. It released on January 27 for PS5, Xbox Series S/X and PC. The sci-fi horror shooter was well-received by fans as it not only updated the game’s graphics and gameplay, but it also added some new side content. Isaac Clarke, the game’s protagonist, was also given a voice.

Despite these small tweaks, though, the 2023 Dead Space title is a pretty faithful remake. It keeps the focus on the horror and gorey, limb-severing action that made fans love it the first time around. However, the brutality of these kills doesn’t take away from the player’s sense of weakness and fear. Dead Space is one of the scariest games ever and a true must-play for horror fans.

9 Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective (90/100)

Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective is a remaster of the 2010 Nintendo DS game that was nominated for several Game of the Year Awards. It released on PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC on June 30. It’s a mysterious puzzle adventure that sees players take control of Sissel, a recently deceased spirit with amnesia, as he tries to learn who he was and what happened to him.

The game takes place simultaneously in the Land of the Living and the Ghost World. In the Ghost World, Sissel can use his Ghost Trick ability to manipulate the Land of the Living in order to solve the puzzles and learn his true story. The game’s heavy narrative is beautifully interspersed with comedy to create a wonderfully memorable experience for those who play it.

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8 Jack Jeanne (90/100)

Although the Japanese version of Jack Jeanne released in 2021, Western audiences in North America and Europe have only just got to experience it this year. The game is a visual novel that follows the story of Kisa Tachibana. She was ready to give up her dream of a career in theater until she was offered a place at the elite Univeil Drama School.

However, there is a catch. Univeil Drama School is a male-only school and Kisa’s future there relies not only on her landing the star role in the end of year play, but also on hiding her true identity from her classmates. The game allows players to choose classes and conversation options, as well as take part in several mini games. All of these actions have consequences and will determine whether Kisa’s place at the school is upheld. It’s a wonderfully unique title that fans can play either on mobile, via iOS and Android, or on the Nintendo Switch.

7 Persona 4 Golden (90/100)

Persona 4 has already seen plenty of remasters and rereleases since the original hit shelves in 2008. The biggest was arguably Persona 4 Golden, which was an enhanced version of the game released for the PS Vita in 2012 and now, in 2023, it’s been updated further and brought to modern consoles.

The JRPG follows a high school student and his classmates as they investigate a string of murders in a small and remote town. Its twists and turns play out against the backdrop of a charming and brilliantly-written coming-of-age story, in which the player plays a pivotal role. The combat is also unique and exciting enough to keep fans engaged throughout the many hours it takes to see all this game has to offer.

6 Diablo IV (91/100)

Diablo IV released on June 6 for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and PC. It’s the latest installment in the popular action-RPG franchise. The iconic dungeon crawler tests players’ skills and satisfies them with a strong reward loop that will keep them hooked long after its main story has been completed.

The gameplay itself keeps the core elements from previous games, such as procedurally generated dungeons and a strong focus on looting increasingly powerful gear. However, it also mixes in several new features, the most noticeable of which is its open world. Combined with its live service structure, complete with battle pass, Diablo IV‘s addictive gameplay will entertain fans for hundreds, if not thousands, of hours.

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5 Street Fighter 6 (93/100)

Street Fighter 6 was a return to form for the iconic fighting franchise when it launched on PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X/S and PC on June 2. Unlike its poorly-received predecessor, Street Fighter 6, returned to a slower, more strategic pace that allows for more intense battles. Important new gameplay adjustments also make the game more approachable for players with different playstyle preferences, meaning the game is a lot more appealing to newer fans too.

There’s also a host of new content, including the new World Tour story mode, to keep fans entertained. Considering the fact that a fighting game hasn’t received a Metacritic score in the 90s since 2010’s Super Street Fighter IV, fans of the genre will certainly want to give the franchise’s latest release a try.

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4 Resident Evil 4 (93/100)

Resident Evil 4 is widely considered among the greatest games of all time, with many calling it the best ever in the survival horror genre. It’s perhaps most famous for introducing the over-the-shoulder camera. This new system revolutionized third-person shooters and inspired many of those that followed. With the added modern parry and block mechanics, the 2023 version feels modern and smooth the play. However, the core feel of the original game is unchanged, with its over-the-top action and humorous one-liners keeping its heart on full display.

The GameCube original has seen several major remasters and ports since it was first released in 2005, but the majority have failed to meet expectations. The 2023 full remake, however, was a huge critical success, with many suggesting it’s now the best version of Resident Evil 4 and the definitive way to play.

3 Metroid Prime Remastered (94/100)

Metroid Prime Remastered launched on the Nintendo Switch on February 8. It brought with it a host of updates to the critically-acclaimed GameCube classic, including changes to the control scheme, graphics and audio. The Prime trilogy is beloved by fans for how it effectively adapted the franchise and genre to which it gives its name, into a brilliant 3D first-person shooter.

Players control the female protagonist, Samus Aran, as she answers a distress call from a Space Pirate frigate. In true Metroidvania style, players must explore and fight their way through an interconnected map, using continuous upgrades to find new paths forward and shortcuts back. The original game won several Game of the Year Awards and, with a fourth Metroid Prime game in the works, it’s the perfect time to experience this iconic title.

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2 The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (96/100)

2017’s The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild set a new bar for open-world games by building a map that was enticing to explore, with a focus on player freedom, creativity and experimentation. It was a tough ask for its 2023 sequel, Tears of the Kingdom, to match the huge expectations of fans, but it somehow managed to surpass its predecessor, raising the bar even higher.

It expands upon everything that made Breath of the Wild so great, with the fun new abilities opening up new options for player freedom and experimentation. Hyrule itself has also been expanded as players can now explore the Sky Islands above it and the depths below. However, despite its size, the world never feels empty as Tears of the Kingdom hides rewarding surprises around every corner. It’s a strong Game of the Year contender and simply a joy to play through from start to finish.

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1 Baldur’s Gate 3 (96/100)

Baldur’s Gate fans have had to wait 23 years for a new mainline release. Thankfully, Baldur’s Gate 3 more than lives up to the hype and decades of expectations. The game was in early access since October 2020 and released fully on PC on August 3. A PS5 version is also due out on September 6, with Xbox fans having to wait longer for the game to come to their console.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a huge turn-based, party-focused RPG. Its gameplay is built upon the immensely popular tabletop RPG Dungeons & Dragonsand will replicate the game’s creativity and freedom. It’s been lovingly crafted to bring every inch of the world, as well as every character and their stories, to life in a masterful way. As a result, it sits not only among the best RPGs of all time — only Divinity: Original Sin II – Definitive Edition and Disco Elysium: The Final Cut are rated higher on Metacritic — but also among the greatest games of all time.


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