By Preetham Venkky
This article isn’t about how Chat GPT (GPT 3.5), or recently released GPT4, is magical – you probably already know this and have witnessed it already. It isn’t about how Chat GPT went onto becoming the fastest adopted tool to reach 100M users. It isn’t about how it’s exponentially speeding up innovation at a pace faster than microprocessors (more than doubling every 9 months). It isn’t about how Chat GPT can become sentient (I seriously doubt it will for a while – never say never).
This article though is about YOU. It’s about how you need to use this seemingly magical super power that technology has, yet again, thrown our way. How you use it is way more critical and important than just what the tool is about or can do.
Disclaimer 1: No part of this article has been written by any known or unknown Artificial Intelligence.
Disclaimer 2: The headline though, was rightfully written for effect. It’s AI that’s having an internet moment and GPT4, Chat GPT, Stable Diffusion are the frontends (much like the browser) to this core technology.
Guidance 1: GPT in this article refers to the whole category and ecosystem of technologies which include Chat GPT, GPT4, Stable Diffusion and similar.
Guidance 2: AI here is referred to the range: from Algorithmic Intelligence >> Assistive Intelligence >> Augmented Intelligence >> Artificial Intelligence.
Stages of Artificial Intelligence
For us to understand intelligence in any form, we need to go back to the history of human intelligence. It’s only in the last 25,000 – 50,000 years that humans (sapiens) have had the ability to reason and imagine. Along with reasoning came its rebellious sibling – creativity and fiction (enabled by imagination). Biologically, the formation and growth of the pre-frontal cortex allowed us to have the ability to do active thinking (intelligence) as opposed to situational and automatic thinking.
It’s the ability to imagine that allowed us to become the dominant species. Imagination though doesn’t exist in a void – it exists within the framework of your knowledge, your experience and what you’ve been exposed to.
Artificial Intelligence is evolving rapidly on a spectrum. The spectrum spans three stages:
ANI – Artificial Narrow Intelligence. The kind we are all exposed to at the moment. ANI is the one that beats Chess and Go masters easily. It’s the one that determines which YouTube video to suggest to the user based on their viewing pattern. ANI has helped accelerate our evolution towards AGI, the next stage.
AGI – Artificial General Intelligence. The kind that will be comparable to the best of human intelligence and will pass the Turing Test with flying colours. Chat GPT and GPT4 aren’t there as yet (though it may seem like it). The evolution of GPT in the next few years will bring it closer to AGI. Maybe GPT ver 10. Currently, GPT and Diffusion applications are closer to AGI than ANI on the spectrum.
ASI – Artificial Super Intelligence. The kind that’ll make almost all human intelligence redundant. Will have the ability to evolve exponentially faster than the intelligence from the previous stages. Will have the ability to create the building blocks for the evolution of its own intelligence without any human intervention. The stuff of legends, scary possibilities and science fiction (or fact).
What is GPT
GPT stands for Generative Pre-trainer Transformer. It falls under the category of Large Language Models. Most GPT applications you currently use are trained using Deep Learning. Deep Learning is a subset of machine learning which uses neural networks to make ‘sense’ of the world with the magical capability to convert data to context and insights. They are only as good as the depth, width and accuracy of data you feed it with. They are as smart and as stupid as humans and close to having the same features and limitations of most humans.
Gateway to the Internet
Every new technology needs to have a killer app. Google.com was that killer app for the internet. It became the dominant platform that allowed you to organise and rank the copious amounts of information that was getting generated on the internet every second.
Artificial Intelligence – reasons, contextualises and builds upon the available information (forward connects the dots). This is its killer feature. It’s not just about bits of content and information that need to come together for the user to then make sense of it – it’s about the human need to have an intelligent analysis of the information (given the mountain of information we already have) as opposed to just the raw information. This seemingly small difference is what will go onto building an entire new ecosystem worth trillions of dollars. Add to it, the ability for it to be ‘creative’, and you have a moment that rivals the internet itself.
GPT (Stable Diffusion et al.) are the killer apps for Artificial Intelligence technology. While it may seem like Open AI & Microsoft have the lead on this; I suspect chapter one is yet to be written completely. What is clear though, is that most internet applications will start to use AI at scale. You already see how Instagram Reels (or TikTok) deliver addictive content streams to you. Much like how apps were built on top of the internet stack, you’ll start seeing apps being built on top of the AI stack.
Where are my Robots?
If GPT is matching human intelligence, then how is it that we aren’t seeing robot chefs and robot maids? Anyone who has seen videos of the work Boston Dynamics has been doing for a while would realise, we are far away from having humanoid robots. Why is this the case? Well, it can be argued that our prefrontal cortex only had 25,000 – 50,000 years to evolve (so an easier accomplishment for computers) as opposed to the rest of the power of the brain, which controls our muscles, bodily functions and senses that have had millions of years to evolve. That’s the most relevant explanation as to why we don’t have humanoid robots yet. Maybe ASI will have the ability to accelerate the development of humanoid robots in the near future.
Adoption of GPT
When it comes to technology, humans can broadly be divided into four camps: Creators, Adopters, Organisers and Sceptics. You’ll see this commonly play out in the headlines about GPT – it ranges from job killer to stupid. The answer almost always lies somewhere as a range in the middle. GPT has the ability to kill plenty of jobs and at the same time have the ability to hallucinate and exhibit stupidity. Interestingly, the previous sentence is also true for humans as a race.
The question you need to ask yourself is, which camp do you belong to. Are you going to take something as path breaking as this to build, to adopt, to organise talent and processes around, or to sit on the fence with reasons why not to. This technology is in its infancy (but growing more rapidly than previous technologies), and much like the adoption curve for new technologies it’s the creators and adopters who’ll shape AIs’ and their own futures using it.
Is GPT Intelligent (or just assimilating)
Let me lay to rest the argument on whether GPT is intelligent or not. GPT isn’t intelligent like human intelligence – it’s an almost ‘alien’ form of intelligence. It is intelligent (no one who’s using these tools would disagree), but the way it arrives at the output is not exactly the same as how humans do.
In the documentary AlphaGo, the ANI model was trained using Deep Learning frameworks. Leading Go players agreed it was indeed very intelligent but almost played like an alien. It made moves that typical Go players would never think of. This insight is what is needed to understand how GPT thinks, but also how it can amaze and surprise humans. GPT uses its own form of intelligence.
Creativity and GPT
GPT has the ability to both speed up and push the boundaries of creativity. GPT, though, can’t exist in a void. It’ll need equally intelligent humans to help curate its thinking. Any Creative Individual using AI will always far supersede a creative individual not using it. Creatives need to start treating AI as a companion than an adversary.
What’s even more exciting is for creatives to use GPT as a tool and canvas for creative expression. We’ve started to see some interesting early case studies.
DDB Mudra along with MTV, last year, launched BotHard – a GPT3 powered Rap Chatbot that competed with India’s best rappers in MTV’s reality show MTV Hustle. BotHard had the ability to rap and ‘diss’ with even just a word given as a prompt. It generated over 3,00,000 one min rap videos in a span of under a month. To top it all, this campaign was launched weeks before Chat GPT was unleashed to the world. This might be one of the first few interesting cases from India of using GPT as a tool and canvas for creativity. Unsurprisingly, the case also went on to win Gold at Spikes Asia this year. Expect more such creative usage of GPT for brands in the coming year.
Prompts are the New User Interface
GPT has infinite possibilities. With such a vast range of possible outcomes, typical user interfaces (button, link and click/tap based) wouldn’t be ideal for using these applications. This is why the ecosystem of these technologies has simplified the user interface and made it a simple prompt.
With GPT4, you have the ability to send any kind of prompt – a text string, an image, audio or video. Learning how to prompt will become a critical skill in using these technologies and will give you the ability to have an edge over your peers.
Asking Questions and Reframing Problems
Any GPT tool can only be as good as the questions you ask. Knowing how to ask (prompts) is just the user interface, but knowing what to ask is where your killer feature lies. What to ask is a function that’s determined by the expertise, experience, skill and knowledge of the human behind the prompt.
As users, our endeavour should be for us to reduce the fourth Johari window – The Unknown; to reduce the ‘we don’t know what we don’t know’. As Neil deGrasse Tyson puts it: “As the area of our knowledge grows, so too does the perimeter of our ignorance.” The more area of knowledge you gather, the better you can use GPT to reduce your ignorance. The logic and creativity of human intelligence has always been in the ability to ask the right question.
The answer luckily, may not always be 42.
The author is the Chief Digital Officer, DDB Mudra Group. Views expressed are personal.