
Community News December 2023 – The Cedar Mill News – Cedar Mill News

leedy grange planting

Senior Housing on 5th: Overview Open House 

Monday, December 4, 5:30-7:30 pm, Beaverton Library Meeting Rooms A and B, 12375 SW 5th St.

Senior Housing on 5th is an affordable housing development entirely devoted to serving seniors that will be located at the current community center. Project partners are hosting an open house event to share an overview of the project and hold a discussion with community members about the development. RSVP on the sign up form. Snacks, childcare, and translation services will be provided. Please indicate if you need children or translation services when you RSVP. For more information, contact

Oak Hills Elementary Book Fair 

Friday, December 8-Thursday, December 14, purchase online

Are you wanting to give, send or donate books this holiday season? We are inviting all community members to support our book fair and purchase books! Over 6,000 books to choose from for all ages! After all, books make great gifts! All books ordered are delivered directly and proceeds help the Oak Hills Elementary School to add new books to the school library! Thank you for your support! Visit the online book fair.  

Preparing for winter!

At PGE, when winter storms roll in, we’re ready. We mobilize company-wide, working around the clock to restore your power as quickly as safety allows. We want you to be ready, too. Below are a few ways to get started, with a lot more information available on our PGE website. Stay in the know: Download the PGE mobile app. You can report an outage and get updates on the go. Create an outage kit with essentials like flashlights, extra batteries, a charged-up portable power bank, 72-hour supply of ready-to-eat food and water, extra blankets, bottled water and PGE and emergency contact numbers. Make a plan and be ready to act, especially if you work from home or have a medical condition. If your medical needs require electricity, now’s a good time to apply to our Medical Certificate program. A backup generator can also be helpful, just be sure to follow manufacturers’ guidelines for its safe operation. 

Furniture Bank Donations!

toddler standing next to dresser

Now until Sunday, December 31, pick up or drop off (Monday-Friday 10-4 and Saturday 11-4) on site 1969 NE MLK Jr Blvd, Portland 97212, starting at $20 for pick up (schedule pick up)

Facing a seasonal slowdown in furniture donations, Community Warehouse, the only furniture bank in the Portland metro’s tri-county area, urgently seeks support. Relying on contributions to furnish homes for those in need, the nonprofit aims for 20 couches and 40 mattresses daily. To incentivize donations, they’re offering sliding-scale pickups for furniture, starting at $20 until December 31, despite a $130 average cost per pickup. With low inventory affecting local families, the organization urges the community to contribute and support housing-insecure neighbors, emphasizing their crucial role in aiding clients transitioning into housing. Items must be clean and free of rips, stains, odors and pet hair. Find a full list of donation guidelines at the Community Warehouse website. For more information, feel free to contact us at 503-235-8786. 

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4-H Community Service Day & Dance

Saturday, December 16, Washington Street Conference Center, 102 SW Washington St., Hillsboro 97123, free

The 4-H Ambassadors in Washington County are gathering donations for homeless kits including food and hygiene kit items. View this flyer for more information and for a list of suggested donation items. The Community Service Day includes fun service activities to benefit those in need. The public is invited! Donations may be brought to OSU Extension in Washington County at 1815 NW 169th Pl, Ste 1000, Beaverton by mid-December, or taken to the December 16 event.

PDX ReStore

4-H STEP—Fall Enrollment 

1815 NW 169th Pl, Ste 1000

4-H Short-Term Education Program (STEP) classes are a great way to get introduced into the world of 4-H! For Washington County 4-H, the Fall 2023 series is now open for registration. Most classes have a maximum enrollment of 15-20 students and are taught at the OSU Extension Washington County office unless otherwise noted. A list of STEP classes being offered through the OSU 4-H program in Washington County is found on the OSU Extension Washington County 4-H webpage.

Rose City Rabbit Rescue 

Saturday, January 6, 12:30-2:30 pm, Cedar Hill Rec Center D room, 11640 SW Park Way

Are you thinking of adding somebunnies to your family? Visit us to meet adoptable rabbits from Rose City Rabbit Rescue. There will be plenty of friendly rabbit experts on hand to answer all of your questions. All of our adoptable rabbits are spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and cute as all get out. Note that this event will happen again (same time and place) future Saturdays in 2024. 

Service of Remembrance

Saturday, December 9, 2 pm, 4101 NW Skyline Blvd, Free 

In Celebration and Remembrance this Holiday Season, please join us for a Service of Remembrance and Candle Lighting to remember those that will not be with us this holiday season. Cookies, Coffee, and Cocoa to follow. Open to All. Families are welcome to place an ornament on our holiday tree anytime through December 31. Celebrating 75 Years of serving our neighbors in Cedar Mill and Suburban NW Portland. Happy Holidays!

Leedy Grange December happenings

Holiday Fundraiser Dance 

Saturday, December 9, 7-10 pm, suggested donation $15 

Begins with a short lesson and then open dance to follow. All proceeds benefit a social arts and dance program at Lincoln Street Elementary school in Hillsboro. For more information contact or our co-sponsor at

Open Adapted Gym Workshop 

Saturday, December 30, 12-1:30 pm 

We are sponsoring this gym workshop for adapted abilities, designed for participants to have fun playing together, along with their parents! For more information and registration, please email our instructor  

leedy grange planting

Leedy is looking forward to bringing more free programs for afterschool and seniors as we roll into 2024. We continue to work with our community partners to make an impact.

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Recently BSA Scout Troop 339 helped us put 50 new plants in the ground to revitalize the outside of our building. Community members have commented that it really brings out the mural of our founders that we have on the side of the building! Phil Thornburg from Winterbloom Landscaping volunteered his expertise and resources to help us plan and plant so that we had foliage that was easier to take care of and more sustainable. All of the plants have either low or no water requirements. Our next phase will be putting in mulch with Troop 339 in January, and then planting colorful bulbs next year. We are very pleased with how the project is coming along. You can find information about Leedy, including a virtual tour of the inside of our historic hall on the Leedy Grange website.

Beaverton Education Foundation 

Beaverton Education Foundation is proud to continue our long-standing partnerships with the Juan Young Trust, Genentech and NW Natural. BEF is grateful to the Juan Young Trust for supporting BEF’s PE & Play Initiative with a $50,000 award. Funds will be used on the third phase of this multi-year initiative, to further refresh and upgrade PE equipment at middle schools across the district. Working with district partners, we are currently identifying high priority needs and cost effective strategies to ensure students can use the new PE equipment in the new year. An early supporter of BEF’s Building STEAM 4 All Initiative, Genentech’s $40,000 grant will continue their generous support of innovative classroom projects in science, technology, engineering, arts and math. Funding will also go toward biomedical pathways programs and health literacy activities in our schools. Finally, NW Natural’s $5,000 contribution will go toward funding for the Safe and Sound for Student Success (S4) after school program for middle schoolers. The S4 program combines academic support with extracurricular activities. Program participants’ strengthen school connections and deliver increased academic achievements far into high school. Learn more about the success of these programs and more in BEF’s 2022-2023 Impact Report.

Viva Village December activities

Viva Village is a Beaverton grassroots organization of members and volunteers who focus on enhancing and expanding the ways we can age well. We provide connections, programs, volunteer services, and referrals so members can lead engaged, healthy lives. Please RSVP for all events by contacting or 503-746-5082.

Open to the Public

Women’s Coffee
Wednesdays, December 6, 13, 20, 27, 10 am, New Season Cedar Hills, 3495 SW Cedar Hills Blvd

Meet for some coffee and a conversation with other women. 

Online Viva Village 101
Saturday, December 9, 10-11:30 am, Zoom, free

An informational session for prospective members, volunteers, or anyone interested in Viva Village. Register on the website or contact the office for the Zoom link.

Viva Village Forum: Tips for Being News-Savvy Online
Monday, December 18, 2-3:30 pm. United Methodist Church, Wesley Room, 12555 SW 4th Street, free

Do you read or share news stories online? Learn helpful tips and tools to help you separate fact from fiction online. Jaydon Deming and Michelle Teeter of Senior Planet (part of the Meals on Wheels People) will tell us how technology makes it easy to spread misinformation and offer useful tools to evaluate news sources. Refreshments served. No charge. RSVP recommended. Register on the website calendar or contact the Viva Village office.

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Online Viva Village Book Club
Tuesday, December 19, 1-2:30 pm, free 

Selected book: This is Happiness by Niall Williams. RSVP for the Zoom link.

Members Only

Online Tai Chi Classes 
Mondays, December 4 and 18, 10-10:45 am, Zoom

Practice Tai Chi technique with certified instructor, Richard Crew. RSVP for Zoom link.

Online Women’s Coffee
Tuesdays, December 5, 12, 19, 26, 10 am, online 

Join members and volunteers for a morning of coffee and conversation. RSVP for the Zoom link.

Holiday Candy-Making Party 
Wednesday, December 6, 1-4 pm, private home in Bethany, $5

Fun with making (and eating) chocolate candies of all varieties. Bring a filling of your choice (nuts, dried fruits, peppermint, etc). Take home the goodies to use as gifts or yummy treats to continue to eat. Limited to 5 participants. RSVP required for the address. Login to the register on the website or contact the office.

Thursday Evening/Dine Around: Special Combined Event for the Holidays
Thursday, December 7, 4 pm, Benihana Japanese Restaurant, 9205 SW Cascade Avenue

Celebrate the holiday season with Viva Village friends.

RSVP required. Limited to 30 people. Login to register on the website or contact the office. *Please notify the office if you need to cancel.

Life Stories
Tuesday, December 12, 2 pm, Southminster Presbyterian Church, 12250 SW Denney Road

“One Man’s Life Story.” Viva Villager, Wally Carey, says, “There is no way to tell a 91-year life story in 45 minutes! This life story will be snippets that encompass a grand and glorious life with absolutely no regrets about the past nor willful disregard for what the future holds.” Please RSVP so we have enough refreshments.

Viva Village Holiday Luncheon
Wednesday, December 13, 11:30 am-1:30 pm. Golden Valley Brewery and Restaurant, 1520 NW Bethany Blvd

Celebrate the Holiday Season! Enjoy a delicious holiday buffet with Viva Village friends. Space is limited. RSVP is required. Login to register on the website or contact the office. *Please notify the office if you need to cancel.

Online Travel Talk
Monday, December 18, 7-8 pm, online 

Viva Villager Kathe Fradkin visited the Christmas Markets in Vienna, Austria last year. She will share photos and tell us about her experience. RSVP for the Zoom link. Login to register on our website or contact the office.

Living Solo: Winter Solstice Potluck
Thursday, December 22, 4-5:30 pm

Join us for a potluck and fun activities. Bring a dish to share so all can enjoy! RSVP appreciated so we know how many to expect.


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