
DEVOTIONAL GUIDE: Seek the one true God – Park Rapids Enterprise

There is only one God.

It seems to me that many in our world today think that there are many gods. Even in the churches people seem to think you can have a god that fits your lifestyle, and they really expect that their god will accept them no matter how much they differ from what the God of the Bible says.

There can only be one true God. Only one God could be the creator of everything. Only one God could be almighty and have power to make and to destroy worldly kingdoms. Only one God could design the world in such a way that we have the right amount of oxygen in our air and the right amount of oxygen in our blood, and thousands of other details that have to be right to make life work.

Often in our education system we are told that science explains everything. True science only discovers and explains how God made everything.

Some in our world think different churches have different gods. Many people want to know what the truth is, or who will tell them the way to God. Every now and then someone will ask me which is the right church, or which is the right Bible. The answer to those questions is which one will lead you to the only true God.

Some people may think that the Lutherans have their god, the Catholics have their god, and the Baptists have their god, and the other denominations have their gods. I want to say it plain: The church is not the answer to life; knowing the true God is.

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In a commentary on the book of Genesis by a practicing Jew, I read that the God of the Bible is a God of the whole world. He created the world, and the Bible tells the history of how God worked throughout the history of the world. It really hit me that there really only can be one true God. And that you will come to know and believe in that one true God or you will trust in some form of an Idol, or false god.

In some places the Christian church has watered down the picture of who God is by mixing in cultural values to the teaching of the church. Many people in the church don’t ask any questions, they just follow the church.

The one true God has chosen to reveal Himself to us through the person of Jesus Christ, through the creation, and through the written word of God. God also reveals Himself to those who earnestly seek Him.

Stop looking for a god you can agree with or a god that you don’t like. Start seeking the one true God, putting your faith in His son Jesus, who died to pay the price for our sins and rose again to prove that He overcame sin and death.

Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6).

Rev. Paul McKibben is pastor of Grace Community Church in Osage.

Rev. Paul McKibben is pastor of Grace Community Church in Osage.

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