
Finance expert reveals the 13 podcasts that investors need in their lives

Britons are increasing turning to podcasts to get the latest tips about finances.

Experts routinely appear on podcasts offering advice on a huge range of topics with hundreds now available to listen to.

Fidelity Investment has put together a list of 13 of the top podcasts to listen to to get good financial tips.

These include accessible podcasts aimed at consumers and others with a focus on retirement.


This is a twice weekly show with experts at the Financial Times. The podcast current issues affecting the markets at a macro level.

This is Money Podcast

This covers everyday issues covered by host Georgie Frost and senior journalists from

The team looks at all aspects of household finances and at all stages of life from savings for children to using the state pension.

Freakonomics Radio

Freakonomics began as a book seeking to apply an economist’s view to everyday concerns.

Co-author Stephen Dubner now hosts Freakonomics radio to help people understand how the free market impacts their lives.

He seeks to offer an alternative view of issues such as working from home and the gender pay gap.

The Rest is Money

This is a new offering from the people behind The Rest is History and The Rest is Politics podcasts.

Presenters Robert Peston and Steph McGovern look at current financial issues and how they intersect with politics.

Planet Money

This comes from US public broadcaster NPR looking at stories the everyday consumer may not know about.

Recent episodes include a look at the writers’ strike in Hollywood and why Europeans gets more holiday than Americans.

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The Retirement Café

The Retirement Café looks at how to live life after finishing work. This covers issues such as long-term care or getting a personal trainer as a pensioner.

The podcast features a range of voices from the world of finance and academia.

Making Money

Making Money hosts Damo and T are finance amateurs who have set out to get the money education they never got in school.

The show has an irreverent tone and is aimed at a younger audience but the focus is on how to make important fiscal decisions.

Money Clinic with Claer Barrett

Claer Barrett is the Financial Times’ consumer editor and regularly appears on TV to share her thoughts.

Topics include the rising cost of attending a wedding or the benefits of topping up National Insurance contributions towards the state pension.

Work Life with Adam Grant

Psychologist Adam Grant looks at the dynamics and practice of work and how to make it fit into a person’s life.

Themes include productivity and why people can become unhappy at work, talking to a wide range of guests from business, sport and entertainment.

Rich Dad Radio Show

This is inspired by the hit bestseller by Robert Kiyosaki, who wanted to pass on the financial tips wealthy people give their children.

The podcast looks at global issues and looks to challenge the accepted wisdom about how to invest.

Merryn Talks Money

Bloomberg columnist Merryn Somerset Webb talks to experts about trends in the market and the economy.

She seeks to get practical help for investments and tax that are useful to the consumer.

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The Financial Independence Show

This podcast looks at people in the ‘FIRE’ movement – ‘Financial Independence, Retire Early’.

These are individuals who have achieved large investment wealth and now live on the proceeds.

Stories include a postman who retired at 27 and the pros and cons of ETFs against index funds.

The Meaningful Money Personal Finance Podcast

This was created by financial planner Pete Matthews to help people get their finances sorted.

The show sets out to talk to financial planners to get specific guidance relevant for everyday people.

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