
Fristoe News – Benton County Enterprise

Pat Arnett

The Fristoe area had some much needed rain this week and it made everything look so pretty, clean and green!

The Fristoe News sends sympathy to the family of Irene Garrison Rank as she passed away this past week! Irene was the daughter of long-time Fristoe residents, Willie and Mary Garrison. Irene was also sister of Fristoe resident W.Y. Garrison. Irene leaves behind two children, daughter Effie and son Harold, “Buddy”. They will be holding a celebration of life for family this coming summer!

Remember Patty Jackman Lindsey, Kathy First, Mary Scarbrough, Lewis Retherford, Bud Hatch, Gladys Harris and Carilee Apperson in prayer requests list this week!

As mentioned last week, Dean Arnett celebrates his birthday this week on November 13.

This column received word this week that the fundraiser held by the Bethel Campground Cemetery Board to put a new roof on the Bethel Church building was a successful undertaking and believe they will be able to replace the roof. For this, everyone is thankful.

Most of the students in the Fristoe area who were involved in sports have finished and moved on to basketball; those but football. Football players are still involved with play as Warsaw football is still involved in state playoffs! Go Wildcats!

Fristoe Pentecostal Lighthouse Church acknowledged the attendees that were Veterans of some branch of the Armed Services. Special music was sang and each received a gift just for them.

The Fristoe Lighthouse Church is still studying Women of God in the Old Testament, with today’s lesson being the story of Hannah. For those not knowing, that is Samson’s mother. A really good study and Br. Smith’s message was from 2nd Samuel. For anyone not having a home church to attend, The Fristoe Pentecostal Lighthouse will always welcome you!

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Thought for the week: Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless!

We hope everyone reading the Fristoe News is blessed through the week with good health and much happiness!


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