
From a jumpy guinea pig to a dapper dog – your pet queries answered

HE is on a mission to help our pets  . . . and is here to answer YOUR questions.

Sean, who is the head vet at tailored pet food firm, has helped with owners’ queries for ten years.

A reader is asking for advice regarding her jumpy guinea pig


A reader is asking for advice regarding her jumpy guinea pigCredit: Alamy
Sean McCormack, head vet at, promises he can 'help keep pets happy and healthy'


Sean McCormack, head vet at, promises he can ‘help keep pets happy and healthy’

He says: “If your pet is acting funny or is under the weather, or you want to know about nutrition or exercise, just ask. I can help keep pets happy and healthy.”

Q: My guinea pig Domino loves jumping in the air when we play with him.

Is that a good thing?

t’s very cute and he seems to be happy.

Amy Rogers, Cleethorpes, Lincs

 Sean says: I think this is a joyful expression when guinea pigs are having fun interactions.

In rabbits we call it binking, where they leap, twist and turn at the same time.

I would look at it positively, ­especially if he is well in himself.

You don’t mention another guinea pig though, so I wonder if Domino may be overjoyed with human company at times because he’s lonely?

They are a social little species and I’m sure if he doesn’t have a friend currently, he would be even happier if you considered one or two for him.

I’m a pet sitter and there’s a breed I’d never own – each one I’ve watched has had ‘absolutely no manners’

There are some great rescue ­organisations that can help you adopt a suitable companion for him.

Q: DO you think it’s OK to dress dogs in outfits?

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I’m against it but my girlfriend loves getting our dachshund Oscar quirky little suits and hats.

He doesn’t seem to worry and he definitely likes the fuss and attention but what do you think?

Ted Black, Doncaster

Sean says: I’m not a big fan.

I think it’s unnecessary at best, and can be restrictive or uncomfortable at worst, even causing chafing.

Many people say, “Oh my dog loves dressing up”.

But I think more likely they love the attention people give them when they are in a cute outfit.

I’d always prefer atten­tion, interaction and praise being given, regardless of what a dog is wearing, with owners spending time and money on stimulating toys, training sessions and having quality time together.

Saying all that, life is sometimes a bit serious, so Oscar wearing a little bow tie or neckerchief to raise a smile isn’t really a bad thing.

Don’t lose sleep, or your girlfriend, over it.

Q: I LET my tortoise Toby roam the garden during summer days and he has a shelter to go into if wants to.

Would you recommend still bringing him in at night during the summer as he is clearly very happy outside and the garden is secure?

Kate Armstrong, Brighton

 Sean says: Our seasons aren’t what they used to be.

We’ve just had a very long, cold, wet spring for example, and tortoises that seemed to thrive as “garden ­tortoises” may have struggled to get going after hibernation these past few years.

We’re also, for the very first time in Britain, experiencing a wave of ­geriatric pet tortoises.

They are less resilient as time passes.

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It’s important to remember these reptiles are not native or ideally suited to the British climate at the best of times.

Most species are ­Mediterranean or North African.

So although garden access is great, I recommend they have a heat lamp which also emits UV light somewhere indoors.

The Tortoise Trust website is a great place to learn more.

Q: AT night, my cat jumps around on the bed to wake me up.

I don’t want to lock her out as she loves company, but her behaviour is odd.

She used to just settle.

She’s getting older and is now 17.

Liz Brown, Callington, Cornwall

Sean says: You can never predict what goes through cats’ minds.

The midnight zoomies and frightening the bejaysus out of their owners are common features of having a furry friend.

But suddenly starting at age 17 is a new one even for me, and any ­behavioural change in an older cat is ­certainly worth a vet health check.

Star of the week

A CUTE rescue cat nicknamed “Dennis the menace” due to his cheeky personality can’t get a new home until his snotty nose is cured.

One-year-old Sparkles was rescued in April as a stray with a runny nose.

One-year-old Sparkles was rescued in April


One-year-old Sparkles was rescued in AprilCredit: Supplied

He has had his nostril flushed, a £750 CT scan and a biopsy, but nothing sinister has been found.

Now Sparkles is on a course of antibiotics and steroids, and Cats Protection Hornchurch & District branch is appealing for help towards his vet costs so he can be found a forever home.

Spokesman Alison Gamble said: “His foster carer calls him ‘Dennis the menace’ as he is full of life and just wants to play.”

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Take lead on good dog ownership

A DOG behaviourist is on a mission to get all pooch owners to call back their pets when they see another pup on a lead.

Zoe Williamson says she wants to tackle nightmare “Asbo dogs” who attack people and pets – and also wants antisocial doggies who barge up to “on-lead” dogs to be reigned in.

Dog behaviourist Zoe Williamson is on a mission to get all pooch owners to call back their pets when they see another pup on a lead


Dog behaviourist Zoe Williamson is on a mission to get all pooch owners to call back their pets when they see another pup on a leadCredit: Supplied

Last year there were 30,539 offences of an out-of-control dog causing injury to a person or dog – a 21 per cent increase from the 25,291 recorded in 2022.

Zoe said: “The rise in attacks is absolutely terrifying but not a surprise.

“Every day I support ­owners whose pets are left upset or ­traumatised on their daily walk.”

Zoe, from Stowmarket, Suffolk, says 81 per cent of her clients experienced an altercation on a walk, ranging from their dog being attacked to them being yelled at by owners of off-lead dogs, and 85 per cent said they felt owners had become less considerate.

It led her to set up Dog On A Lead Day, which is today.

Zoe added:“My goal is to make it socially unacceptable for dogs to be off-lead if they’re not under control or lack training.”

To find out more information see bestbehaviourdog


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