
Good Mornin’! Good Mornin’! Dear President Trump – Enterprise-Tocsin

I’ve never written a letter or even an email, fax or carrier pigeon message to a sitting president.

I hope this missive finds you safe and warm and all settled in at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

You are back in the White House and yes, it’s been pretty rough in America for a while.

Now that I think about it, I don’t know when it’s not been rough. #1, George Washington, had to help create our country after fighting the redcoats after he changed sides.

I’m glad he did.

Anyway, welcome back and let’s get a few things straight, please and thank you. You are the President of The United States of America.

That’s all 50 states and however many territories we have at the moment (and please, we don’t need to add anything else,) more than 335 million people and like Ray Stevens sang, “Red, yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight. Everybody’s beautiful, in their own way. Under God’s heaven, the world’s gonna find a way.” And Rodney King once said, “Can’t we all just get along? For the old folks and the children.”

I’m asking in your second go around, that you mellow out a bit. Stop and smell the roses in the White House Rose Garden. Smile more.

You can be stern and smart but be presidential. Go watch and listen to some tapes of FDR and Kennedy, then follow up with Reagan. Take note of how they kept America first and foremost, not themselves.

Yes, you’ve accomplished a lot and you did a pretty good job last time you set up shop and the guy that followed put down some nasty ruts in the government pig trail but I’m sure you can fill those in and even make a new logging road to a better and stronger America.

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Yes, maybe even great. That would be nice. But back to those 335 million folks that live here. You’re president for all of them, the ones that voted for you and the ones that didn’t. Do the best job for all of us. Please.

Gas is still pretty high and inflation has been in high gear for quite some time. My editors still pay about the same rate from way before your first presidency.

Ends not meeting and sacrifices are common these days for most everybody. We just need you to do your job without having to continually thank you every few minutes and pat you on the back every other hour. Just act and be presidential. Maybe fake it till you make it. Be strong and courageous, for America’s sake – not your own. You seem to like sports; there’s a book that the late Gayle Sayers wrote titled, “I am Third.” I’ve lost my copy but I need to read it again as well. Maybe there’s a copy in the White House library and oh, that Congressional Library may have it as well, right down the street from your house.

Mr. Trump, be our president and make us proud. Take advice from the smart folks you surround yourself with and please, just listen and talk to the folks who are on the other side of the aisle. They were elected as well and if we can all get along, we’re all better for it.

And #16 that sits in that marble chair in the Lincoln Memorial said a lot of good things when he was in the White House. After Gettysburg, he had a pretty good speech that included, “That these dead shall not have died in vain – that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and the government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

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We are all called to pray for our leaders and you are at the top of our lists. Be the president of the entire United States and make us all proud.


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