A recent video will have many gamers wanting to weep thanks to a clip showing a collection of classic games and consoles being destroyed by water damage. The iconic consoles and titles in the footage still fill many gamers with nostalgia, which makes the video that much more heartbreaking.
Through the years, gaming consoles have evolved drastically. Long gone are the days of classic consoles like the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 2, but many gamers have still kept these consoles around for the incredible nostalgia and fondness they bring. For some, these consoles were their first introductions to gaming and others simply love many games that probably won’t get to see any current generation remakes. Whatever reasons one has for holding onto older consoles, sentimental value is likely one of the greatest deciding factors. However, sometimes there are forces beyond one’s control that can harm or even destroy these consoles and games no matter how hard one tries to keep them safe.
Unfortunately, for one gamer, their collection found a watery grave when a box holding a variety of titles and consoles succumbed to extensive water damage. The short TikTok shared by Supra_Gamer reveals a storage box filled with various games and consoles swimming in a deep pool of water. From an Xbox 360 to a WWE Smackdown vs. Raw installment, a box full of memories is gone in just a matter of moments.
The collection contained a large variety of PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360 titles that cannot be played unless one also has the classic console to go with it. Although many of the titles in the box are difficult to decipher, two of the games that were ruined happened to be racing title Forza Motorsport 3 and Young Justice: Legacy. These games likely held some great memories for the gamer, and it will be difficult to rebuild such a special collection.
With gaming growing more digital as the years pass, owning a physical game collection is something that just isn’t as common now, and that’s one aspect that makes this loss so much harder to watch. Whether one keeps their gaming collection in pristine condition or is just now rediscovering an old game collection, the level of importance remains the same. Although this particular gamer probably won’t be able to reclaim some of these games, hopefully they will be able to regain a portion of the titles and consoles that were lost in such unfortunate circumstances.