A young woman has welcomed a baby girl after spending £37,000 to become a single mother by choice at the age of 25.
Courtney Cecil, now 26, went through five rounds of IVF before giving birth to her daughter, Daisy, in September 2023.
The solo mum says the journey has well and truly proven that she can do anything she sets her mind to, without male assistance.
‘Men are totally off my radar and I don’t care if I never date again because I now know I literally don’t need a man for anything,’ she says.
Courtney first realised she struggled with fertility in 2019, after falling pregnant with a previous partner. The pair had been together for eight years, but they sadly lost the baby due to Turner syndrome, a condition which ends in miscarriage or stillborn 99% of the time.
After losing the baby, the couple decided to try again in 2020, with Courtney completing her first round of IVF. They managed to get one embryo, but sadly the transfer failed.
Six months later their relationship ended and Courtney, who was 22 at the time, was bought out of their shared house. With the money, she decided to buy herself a new home and do a round of IVF in a bid to freeze some of her eggs for the future.
Seven eggs were retrieved, but they weren’t deemed viable. Courtney then underwent genetic testing and discovered she had a rare chromosomal issue (where one grows on top of another) which made it almost impossible for her to get pregnant.
Despite the odds, she was determined not give up, so went ahead with a third round of IVF. Nine eggs were retrieved, but again, the process failed.
At this point she knew she needed to try something different and her best option was to fertilise her eggs using a sperm donor.
‘I just asked myself why was I freezing them and waiting until I meet someone to proceed when I could have this baby now?’ she said.
In March 2022, Courtney went through the process of selecting a sperm donor. She was shown images of potential donors when they were children, and saw one Irish donor that she really liked due to his blue eyes. She bought a vial of his sperm, which cost £720.
Courtney then had another egg retrieval which collected seven eggs to be fertilised. But this only produced one embryo, which she decided to freeze as it wasn’t the best quality.
At this point she was feeling ‘down and upset’, and had spent over £30k on four rounds of IVF with just have one embryo to show for it. She considered giving up, but decided to have one final go.
And as luck would have it her fifth and final round of IVF produced an embryo and the transfer was successful.
‘I was preparing for the worst after everything I had been through, but I tried to be positive.’ Courtney says. The good news came on February 4, 2023, when she found out she was pregnant with Daisy.
However, as with everything else, her pregnancy didn’t quite go to plan either. At 26 weeks, Courtney noticed the baby’s growth had slowed down.
‘I was convinced she’d died,’ she said. Thankfully this wasn’t the case, and at 35 weeks she had a planned C-section, welcoming her little one into the world.
‘It was such a long hard journey. I couldn’t stop crying when I finally held her,’ Courtney recalls.
Mum and baby spent two weeks in hospital due to Daisy’s early arrival, but both are doing well now and Courtney is proud of all she’s accomplished.
‘Being a solo parent has its challenges, but I’ve never regretted it,’ she adds.
‘I have my own baby, car, and house. I make all the decisions, as I am mum and dad. I wouldn’t have it any other way.’
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