Breathtaking new Ancient Egyptian VR experience opens in London
We’re standing high up on a ledge of the Great Pyramid of Giza, overlooking the sprawling city of Cairo.
The air is still, and the lights and the city are quiet, and our guide, Mona, tries to talk to a hawker at the entrance but he’s too busy on his phone, “Let’s just go inside,” she says.
We walk through the often claustrophobic halls and tunnels of this monument, the only surviving wonder of the ancient world, its intricate and detailed brickwork blowing me away as we ascend a set of stairs inside, careful not to trip over one of the stray cats wandering around.
Mona leads us inside a nondescript room but one which displays great feats of engineering that would be admired even today, deployed some 4,500 years ago by the Pharaoh Khufu, one of Ancient Egypt‘s most mysterious rulers whose vision became the image of a great civilisation.
Things are going great and Mona knows much about the ancient world, but her torch breaks and she leaves me in the room alone with a backup light in search of a replacement, but the backup breaks, and out of the darkness appears a giant glowing and speaking cat who says her name is Bastet, and for a moment everything is too much and I wonder, ‘How did I get here?’.
The tour started a top the Great Pyramid of Giza but soon took an altogether different turn (Image: GETTY)
Of course, a giant glowing and speaking cat isn’t really in the room, and to let you in on a secret, I’m not really in the room either.
After the initial shock, I remember I can easily take the virtual reality (VR) headset off and before my eyes is the room I walked into about 10 minutes ago, a huge space with black and white stripes on the walls that aid the sensors in my headset.
I’m standing not thousands of miles away in Cairo but in the heart of Stratford at the new Excurio exhibition, Horizon of Khufu, a spectacular journey through Ancient Egypt and the land of the Pharaohs complete with cutting-edge VR technology that, with the most advanced headset tracking system in the world, really makes me feel as though I am there.
“When you’re in that VR world, your mind takes over and you really do forget where you are and who you are,” Karl Blake-Garcia, 33, the experiences’ London director, tells me.
We walk and talk and I’m stunned by how fast the process is: from entering through the front door to putting my belongings in a locker to having a VR headset and backpack fitted onto my head and back in the space of 10 minutes.
As Karl makes sure my headset is in place he says I’m free to take it off at any point in case I get motion sickness or dizzy, such is its accuracy and immersion, and before I know it I’m thrust into a fictional calibrating world to get me used to a reality that will last for 45-minutes.
Mona seen with fellow explorers in the virtual world about to ascend the Giza Pyramid (Image: Excurio)
The journey is often nail biting, especially when you reach the Giza pyramid’s peak (Image: Excurio)
After exploring the Giza Pyramid and the initial wobble with Mona’s torch, she returns to find me with Bastet, who, she tells me, is the goddess of Ancient Egyptian religion.
She is now our guide and we’re privy to unfettered access to not only relics in our world but the mythological realities of hers. We glide across space and time and see how the Ancient Egyptians built their monuments, what they worshipped and why, as well as peculiar quirks and the odd debunking of modern-day ‘facts’ about Egypt.
After a time a giant ghost ship arrives and Bastet tells us, much to Mona’s fear, that we’re on a course for Duat, the Ancient Egyptian Afterworld, or Underworld, a place in which they believed most people reached in death, especially the great pharaohs like Tutankhamun and Akhenaten.
The journey is spellbinding and Karl is right, at times I forget who I am and where I am, and I simply bask in the ancient splendours all around me, free to look around as the ancient Egyptian world unfurls before my eyes.
This manifests in several ways at various points. On one occasion my hands clam up as we float through the sky, on another I find myself carefully treading the floor aware of the varying gradients, keen not to fall over only to realise that the floor in my world is still flat.
The experience is not only fun but educational, here teaching explorers about the embalming process (Image: Excurio)
A ghost boat takes explorers to the Underworld, or Duat, to meet with ancient Egypt’s elite (Image: Excurio)
I’m glad there are few people here to see me humiliate myself, apart from a chuckling Karl in the corner, and there’s little if any reason for him to worry about my falling over or bumping into another user or even a wall.
The technology used scans everyone participating in the experience at the same time so you can see one another when getting close in the VR world, and sensors in the walls make themselves known in the virtual world if you get within even ten steps of them. And, if all else fails and you get lost, a glowing beacon appears and redirects you to the Mona and Bastet.
The world is vast and entirely immersive — some 1,000 square metres of free reign — and towards the end of my journey I’m in for a treat, one that Mona can’t believe we’re about to experience. Her excitement grates on Bastet and the goddess quite comically tells her off and orders her to keep her cool, she doesn’t want to be embarrassed in front of the ancient Egyptian elite.
The final encounter is quite literally otherworldly and Mona can’t believe her eyes, but I’ll leave that one for you to find out for yourself.
We’ve traversed several eras in time and vast plains of space, and I wonder just how long it took to create such a world in which the user has complete freedom to explore.
The vast space inside the Horizon of Khufu of experience measures 1,000 square metres (Image: Joel Day)
Karl smiles and says: “It took just a year and a half to make everything. That’s with all the tracking markers inside the experience, for everything to be laid out and done.”
The Horizon of Khufu is different to many if not all other VR experiences in that it hasn’t only been developed by gaming experts or software engineers, but also leading Egyptologist Peter Der Manuelian from the Giza Archives Project at Harvard University, and it really does show.
It is both fun and educational, the perfect day out for any family or couple, or even an alternative to a boozy night out with your friends. The VR experience itself has locations all around the world, including Lyon and Shanghai, with more openings in Paris, London, and New York soon.
When the experience ends after 45 minutes, I realise the potential of this vast immersive world. Earth has thousands of years of history, much of it ancient and well documented but only in the two-dimensional version of text and video.
Think about the the ruins of the ancient Maya and Inca, the vast forgotten plains of the ancient US, the lost dynasties of China, the great kingdoms of Africa, the construction of Stonehenge and other megaliths around the UK, think even of the world’s numerous underwater cities, some of which date from Ancient Rome and Greece.
All of these places have been lost or are difficult to get to, but with VR, the potential is endless. A smirk grows across Karl’s face once again, and though he is careful not to tell me too much, he says: “We’re looking at considering other spaces, and people keep asking us, ‘What next?'”
“The plan is to release different content in the future, possibly as soon as March next year. The possibilities are truly limitless.”
Horizon of Khufu, a Journey in Ancient Egypt, is created by Excurio and is open now at Westfield Stratford City.
Tickets for the 45-minute experience are £20 until November 30th. You can buy tickets here.