
I'm 44 and want to retire in 10 years – can my £180k savings get me there?

I want to stop working full-time in a decade when I reach 54 and need to make the next ten years really count financially.

My wife and I see this point as one where we would like to shift our lives from working full-time, to enjoying a decade where we are hopefully fit and healthy enough to travel, enjoy life, and pursue the outdoor activities we enjoy.

We are due to pay off our mortgage in 2032 and the youngest of our three children will be 19 and have left school at that point.

I have £150,000 in a stocks and shares Isa and £30,000 in cash savings, my wife has about £50,000 in cash savings and £30,000 invested in shares.

My work pension is currently worth £300,000, with £1,500 a month contributed between me and my employer. I also have £17,000 in a Sipp.

Time to travel: The early years of retirement often see the highest expenditure as retirees spend on holidaying 

My self-employed wife has a Sipp worth £60,000 that she pays £4,000 a year into and a defined benefit pension from a previous employer projected to pay about £3,000 a year at age 60.

We would like to get our income from a combination of savings and investments and still doing some work here and there.

I reckon in today’s money we would need about £60,000 a year of income for our plans and could earn about £30,000 of that between us from bits of paid work.

Are our savings and investments enough to fulfil our dream? How can we grow them to make sure we can do what we want to do? I am happy to take plenty of stock market risk to try to do this, rather than be overly cautious. Anonymous, via email

Harvey Dorset, of This is Money, replies: Whilst retiring at 54 means that you will need to stump up the cash to fund your lifestyle until your various pensions kick in, you have built a considerable nest egg that should allow you to fund this retirement.

You will need to wait until at least 58 under the current rules to access your work pension and your state pension age should be 68. This means your stocks and shares Isa and cash savings will need to deliver for you while you wait. 

Continuing to work part-time between you will also give you an extra financial buffer during the early years of your semi-retirement, which sound like the ones in which you will plan to spend more money on travel and hobbies.

In order to grow your savings and investments, it is worth considering capitalising on the benefits of your pension scheme, as well as your stocks and shares Isa.

In particular, by contributing to your workplace pension you can make use of the government and employer contributions that come with that.

If you haven’t already maximised these contributions, you should investigate what your employer offers. For example, some offer a salary sacrifice pension scheme, which could allow you to save a bit more into your pension whilst you are still working by saving on National Insurance.

Likewise, pushing more money into your Isa will allow you to make as much as possibleof your £20,000 tax-free Isa allowance each year while you are still earning. That money can then later be drawn on tax-free.

This is Money spoke to two experts to find out what you should do to ensure that you have the money to fund your lifestyle in retirement. 

Tax efficient: Lisa Caplan says concentrating your investment son your pension and Isas is the most effective method

Tax efficient: Lisa Caplan says concentrating your investment son your pension and Isas is the most effective method

Lisa Caplan, director of OneStep Financial Planning at Charles Stanley, replies: It’s great that you are thinking ahead.

Projecting the financial future for someone is always going to rely on making several assumptions about things we can’t predict: for example, future investment returns, inflation, and changes to the state pension.

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I have run the numbers assuming contributions continue until you are 54, and the model indicates that after ten years of shifting your lifestyles, at 64 you will still have around £840,000 in today’s terms in investments and pensions.

This would cover your objective of generating an income of £60,000 a year until you are 80, at which point your investments and pensions will be exhausted. Provided you are still married, and your wife hasn’t died, you would still have a household income of £25,850 made up of your state pensions and your wife’s personal pension.

You can strengthen your position by saving more into your pension and Isas. The tax relief makes pensions very attractive, and a mixture of pensions and Isas will provide the most flexibility. If this is not affordable now, it hopefully will be when you mortgage is paid off. 

Both shelter your investments from capital gains and dividend income tax, and I recommend your wife moves her shares to an Isa by using her annual CGT allowance to achieve this.

It is good that you are planning to take income from a mix of pensions and investments. This is usually more tax effective as you can keep your pension income below the tax threshold of £12,570 each and take the balance of pension tax-free cash and Isas.

If you are now 44, you will not be able to access your pensions at all before you are 58 and won’t be eligible for the state pension until you reach 68.

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Some important things to consider:

Investment growth

You have told us you are comfortable with stock market risk to drive growth. This analysis depends on achieving 6 per cent investment growth, before costs and inflation. If this is not achieved, you will run out of pensions and investments much earlier. With higher risk investing, it is reasonable to expect better growth over the longer term, but you should expect large fluctuations along the way, and the growth is not guaranteed.

Earlier on you may have the ability to bear greater swings in investment value, but this will change once you come to depend on the investments to support your spending. You should therefore keep your investment strategy under review, especially as you approach 54 and again at 64 when you plan to retire fully.

Spending in retirement

I have assumed spending of £60,000 a year after you stop traditional work at 54. 

The reality is that spending will vary over time. Spending will often be higher in the early years, as you enjoy the travelling and outdoor pursuits while you are in full health. 

After that spending often falls as travel becomes more difficult. In the third phase of retirement spending increases again to meet care needs. This is referred to as U-shaped retirement.

State pensions

The new state pension is often overlooked in retirement planning. It is a valuable benefit, although is not usually enough by itself. You should check your national insurance records and try to ensure that you have at least 35 years of full contributions before you reach state pension age.

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We have assumed that you draw down on your pensions pots rather than use them to generate a set income by buying an annuity. 

The cost of buying this annuity will be high when you are 58 as it will have to pay out for up to 25 years based on current lifespans. The cost of buying an income generally falls as one gets older, and you can consider this at a later date.

This analysis is not a guarantee or promise about the future, but rather one scenario about how things could play out. 

Your plans are likely change, and your finances should be reviewed regularly. 

Everyone should do this before any major changes to your lives, and in this example certainly before you reach 54, and then again when you retire fully at 64.

Action plan

  • Increase contributions to Isas and pensions
  • Check that your wife’s shares are in an Isa wrapper
  • Review investment strategy
  • Check that you have life and income cover should something happen to either of you

Is £1million enough to last the rest of your life? 

Lucie Spencer, financial planning director at wealth management firm Evelyn Partners, replies: To address the question of whether you will be able to fund the retirement you want, there are too many variables to provide a clear picture – we would need to sit down and do some proper cash-flow modelling with a lot more inputs.

We do not know how much is left on your mortgage, as that was not detailed, nor how much wriggle room there is in your household budgets to increase savings. 

Maximise: Lucie Spencer recommends finding out if your employer will increase their contribution to your pension

Maximise: Lucie Spencer recommends finding out if your employer will increase their contribution to your pension

As a starting point we can do some rough sums that assume you do not change your savings and investments and continue to add to pensions as you are doing currently.

In 10 years’ time, which is when you say you want to leave full-time work, your cash savings of £80,000 would be worth £84,100 if they earn 0.5 per cent interest net of tax and inflation. 

Your Isa investments of £180,000 (assuming your wife’s £30,000 is in or brought into an Isa), if they grow at 3 per cent a year above inflation for the next 10 years, they could be worth in the region of £242,850.

So we can see that even without adding to these amounts you will have a decent level of funds to take you up to the age where you can access your pensions, which at the moment will be 57, particularly if you are still working.

Your main pension, if it grows at a rate of 4 per cent a year above inflation for the next 13 years – which will take you up to the age when you can access pension funds – would be worth about £810,400. 

Your Sipp if it grows at the same rate would be worth about £28,500, and your wife’s Sipp could be worth about £167,600.

While £1million might seem like a very substantial sum, your semi-retirement and retirement are due to span 30 to 40 years, you might end up having to pay for care, and your withdrawals will be subject to tax. 

You do, however, have the added benefits of some guaranteed income – a £3,000-a-year defined benefit income and, hopefully, a full state pension – to buttress that from drawdown or any annuity you might decide to purchase.

With all this in mind, we can make some initial, provisional suggestions.

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Look at how much additional capital you can pay off your mortgage each month with no penalties, as this will provide you with a guaranteed return with the interest saving and provide for further disposable income for investing in the future.

Look into how many years you will have contributed to your state pension at the point you wish to fully retire. You need to have 35 years to receive the maximum benefit.

I recommend holding at least 50 per cent of your annual expenditure in cash savings as an emergency fund. The rest of the funds could be invested to have the greater potential for growth.

Investigate how much your employer will match when contributing to their pension scheme. Even increasing your contributions by 1 per cent can have an impact on your pension funds over the next 10 years, particularly if it is matched. 

You will benefit from the income tax savings on the additional contributions, and National Insurance savings if it is a salary sacrifice scheme, where your employer may also add their NI savings.

Depending on how your wife’s business is set up – whether she’s a sole trader or the director of a limited company – will determine on how much she can contribute to her pension. If she has a limited company then her company can make employers contributions up to the annual allowance (currently £60,000) and this is eligible for corporation tax relief subject to certain provisions. 

If she is a sole trader, she can contribute up to her net profits and receive the 20 per cent basic rate tax relief any additional tax relief needs to be reclaimed through her tax return.

Ensure your wife’s £30,000 in shares are within an Isa (current allowance £20,000), she can also gift the residual to you for you to use your allowance this tax year as there is no capital gains tax between husband and wife. 

Then the benefits can be paid out free of income and capital gains tax.

Raise contributions to your savings once your mortgage is repaid, with a preference towards pensions for the tax relief uplift. When reviewing the risk you are taking, you can afford to take more risk with your pension funds as these will be invested for the longest timescale.

Your non-pension investment holdings will provide your initial retirement income, as you want to retire before you can access your private pensions, so depending on your attitude to risk, you might want to derisk part of your Isa investments as you approach the point of needing to cash some of them in.

In your pensions, I recommend that you look to invest with at least 75 per cent within equities as this gives you the greatest potential for long-term growth. 

The earliest might look to access some of these funds will be in 13 years’ time but a large proportion of the holdings will be invested for much longer to provide income for the rest of your lifetime.

The best chance you will have of making the most of your retirement pot, and winding down work more rapidly, will be to seek out a detailed financial plan, now, that will give you a much clearer indication of how much you need to add to your savings to achieve the retirement income you want – and later on, how to manage a drawdown pot and access your pension tax-efficiently.

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