personal finance

‘Incredible stress’: Rising care home fees leave families struggling to maintain costs

Belinda and Peter in nursing home

‘Incredible stress’: Rising care home fees leave families struggling to maintain costs (Image: Belinda Wolfe Bell)

The weighted average residential care was £363 per week in 2002/03, while in 2023, it’s estimated to be around £800 a week, according to a report by LaingBuisson.

Lisa Morgan, lawyer and head of the nursing care fees recovery team at Hugh James Solicitors, said it’s “not unusual” to see some of her clients paying £8,000 per month. Pre-pandemic, it was £3,000 to £4,000.

She added: “The fees are continuing to increase, with clients reporting that this month they have received letters from care home providers that their rates are increasing further by eight to 10 percent this month. The current cost of living crisis has greatly amplified the issue.”

Caroline Abrahams, Charity Director at Age UK warned that most people who need social care have to pay for some or all of it themselves, so inflation means they are facing even higher bills, driving their savings “faster than ever before”.

She added: “It is important to recognise that most of their costs borne by care homes have gone up, including their wage bills and food prices, meaning they generally have no choice but to pass these increases on. Most of the companies that provide social care are small businesses, not large chains, so their capacity to absorb price rises is quite limited.

“The way social care works at the moment means that it is the consumer who is hit hardest when prices are rising fast.

“Meanwhile, all the evidence is that the chances of obtaining State-funded care are reducing, meaning more individuals are having to pay their own way. This applies to care funded by local councils, and by the NHS through Continuing Health Care, since in both cases there is a strict rationing process in place because of funding shortfalls.”

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Peter Wolfe

Peter has had to be moved to a nursing home further away from family to keep up with costs (Image: Belinda Wolfe Bell)

Older people with modest assets who need social care and have to shoulder the costs themselves face a “really miserable outlook”, with the numbers of people whose savings will be entirely erased by care bills seeming certain to grow.

Ms Abrahams added: “Those who had no assets in the first place are arguably worse off still, thrown back on the flimsy safety net provided by the State, which is not funded well enough to provide everyone who needs it with good local care.

“This combination of problems is placing older people who need care, and their families, in a horrible position as they struggle to find affordable, reliable care. Sadly, they are paying the price for politicians failing to face up to the need to overhaul and properly fund these vital services.”

At present, people in England with assets under £23,250 (£50,000 in Wales) are eligible for state financial support towards their care costs, while those with assets amounting to more typically have to foot the bills entirely.

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Some people can, however, be eligible for free social care regardless of their financial circumstances through the NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) scheme, however, they seem to be an unyielding challenge to secure.

The scheme is a fully-funded package of care that some people are entitled to receive as a result of disability, accident or illness.

It’s available in England and Wales, to individuals who have complex, intense or unpredictable needs and can be provided in a nursing home, in a hospital or in your own home.

Ms Morgan explained: “Unlike local authority funding, it is free as the NHS cover the full cost of care regardless of wealth. Therefore, CHC can be a vital source of funding by removing a huge financial burden.”

However, despite an ageing population, NHS England figures show the number of people eligible for CHC funding has dropped by 18 percent in the last five years.

Ms Morgan added: “The lack of awareness of the funding and appeals process coupled with guidelines which are often forgotten or applied too restrictively means more people could be eligible.”

NHS sign

NHS CHCs can offer ‘vital source’ of care home funding help, but scheme is ‘too restrictive’ (Image: GETTY)

Belinda Wolfe-Bell’s father, Peter Wolfe, 91, was diagnosed with advanced dementia in 2017 and had been living in a care home since 2018. He moved to a more expensive nursing home in September 2022, after the care home could no longer support his needs.

Ms Wolfe-Bell, who lives in Southampton, said: “In a care home, his fees were around £800 to £900 a week. When he went into the nursing home they increased to £1,350 per week. However, that’s not the end of the story because then in January, they advised us that they were increasing to £1,550 a week. We’ve been under incredible stress.

“Dad has been self-funding and he has a pension and a certain amount of money, but it doesn’t reach £1,550 a week, that’s for sure. So we’ve had to find him alternative nursing care quite far outside Southampton in New Milton.

“The fees are considerably less at £1,100 there. I trolled through 100 nursing homes in Hampshire to find homes in or about that sort of amount of money and there are virtually none.”

However, she noted: “They’ve sort of implied that [the fees] would be increasing again. I don’t know how people are affording it.”

Due to Mr Wolfe’s advanced care needs, Ms Wolfe-Bell applied for an NHS CHC to help with the growing cost pressures.

She said: “Dad has got advanced dementia. He’s no longer mobile, he needs to be hoisted in and out of bed, and he needs to be fed. We thought he’d be eligible for continuing health care, but he doesn’t have what they class as ‘Primary care’. Therefore, he’s not eligible, even though he’s got advanced dementia and can’t make decisions for himself.

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“In my head, advanced dementia. Is that not a primary?”

Ms Wolfe-Bell added: “My father was in human resources, so he was always a very sociable man. He loved to talk to people, he loved people, and he was a great father. Seeing the change with dementia and dealing with all of those emotions, then you’ve got the financial side, it seems all very unfair, the whole ending to what was a great life.”

According to the latest figures from the House of Commons Library, there were approximately 104,400 people in England who received NHS CHC in the 2021/22 financial year.

These figures represent a small proportion of the overall population, as there are an estimated 1.4 million people in the UK who require social care support.

Despite the NHS’ efforts to revise and simplify the process, many advocacy groups argue that the guidelines for NHS CHC are still too restrictive and that many people who require long-term care are still being denied the financial support they need.

A Government spokesperson told the Daily Express: “Everyone should be able to access the care that they need. Only people with assets over £23,250 are required to self-fund their care – people with assets under this are eligible for state financial support towards their care costs.

“We are also providing record levels of direct financial support for the most vulnerable – £1,200 last year and a further £1,350 in 2023/24, with over eight million families starting to receive their first £301 Cost of Living instalment this week – while the Household Support Fund is helping people with essential costs.”

Under now-delayed reforms, the Government plans to introduce a new £86,000 cap on the amount anyone in England will need to spend on their personal care over their lifetime. Spending on daily living costs will not be included.

In addition, the upper capital limit (UCL), the point at which people become eligible to receive some financial support from their local authority for care costs, will rise from £23,250 to £100,000.

As a result, people with less than £100,000 of chargeable assets should not be contributing more than 20 percent of these assets per year.

Lee Townson is also in the process of appealing CHC for his late mother, Olive Townson, who passed away a few weeks after being rejected.

Ms Townson had vascular dementia and was being looked after in a secure unit in a nursing home in Stamford, Lincolnshire. Ms Townson was paying £5,541 a month.

Mr Townson told “Within three days [of being admitted to care], they had to move her to the secure unit because she was so disruptive. They said she’s got really severe behavioural issues in terms of dementia.”

Ms Townson was in the secure unit for around 20 to 21 months but still didn’t qualify for CHC.

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Mr Townson said: “In our mum’s case, she wasn’t intentional, or complex and unpredictable enough and in effect, the care home was managing and because they were managing, we got rejected pretty much straight away.

“I just thought, what’s the point of having all these thresholds [to secure NHS CHC] if ultimately, they’re just going to look at those three areas? It was a real kick in the stomach because we thought we’d hit the criteria, and we’ve done everything and supplied all the evidence.”

Mr Townson added that at the time of admittance and without financial support, his mum was fortunate to have had her own home in Stamford.

He said: “We sold the house and quite simply the money went into the bank and that then became her care fund. We paid, over the 21 months, £106,000 out in care fees.

“I just think access to funding should be more obvious and more out there for people to apply for, and they’ve got to change the criteria, because if you’ve [very few] people qualifying for it, then most people will say, ‘Well, I’m not even going to start going through it because what’s the point?’”

According to the latest figures from the House of Commons Library, there were approximately 104,400 people in England who received NHS CHC in the 2021/22 financial year.

These figures represent a small proportion of the overall population, as there are an estimated 1.4 million people in the UK who require social care support.

Despite the NHS’ efforts to revise and simplify the process, many advocacy groups argue that the guidelines for NHS CHC are still too restrictive and that many people who require long-term care are still being denied the financial support they need.

A Government spokesperson told “Everyone should be able to access the care that they need. Only people with assets over £23,250 are required to self-fund their care – people with assets under this are eligible for state financial support towards their care costs.”

“We are also providing record levels of direct financial support for the most vulnerable – £1,200 last year and a further £1,350 in 2023/24, with over eight million families starting to receive their first £301 Cost of Living instalment this week – while the Household Support Fund is helping people with essential costs.”

From October 2023, the Government also announced that it will be introducing a new £86,000 cap on the amount anyone in England will need to spend on their personal care over their lifetime.

In addition, the upper capital limit (UCL), the point at which people become eligible to receive some financial support from their local authority for care costs, will rise to £100,000 from the current £23,250.

As a result, people with less than £100,000 of chargeable assets should not be contributing more than 20 percent of these assets per year.


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