
Intelbroker claims they hacked Apple in the same week as AMD – Tom's Hardware

Intelbroker, a notorious criminal, has certainly been busy this week as they claimed to have hacked AMD and now Apple. On Thursday they posted a message on an forum saying they had managed to access internal source code for three Apple’s tools, just a day after a similar claim involving AMD, reports The Cyber Express. Apple has yet to confirm the breach, but the potential impact could be significant. 

Intelbroker posted on BreachForums, stating they had obtained source code for AppleConnect-SSO, Apple-HWE-Confluence-Advanced, and AppleMacroPlugin tools meant for internal use. AppleConnect-SSO is used for authentication within Apple’s network, while Apple-HWE-Confluence-Advanced is likely for internal information sharing, and AppleMacroPlugin facilitates internal processes, The Cyber Express suggests. 


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