A PLANE passenger has complained about people from economy class using the business class toilets on his flight.
The man insisted he wasn’t “elitist” but argued that it was less hygienic having people from further back in the aircraft using the bathrooms near the front.
However, few people agreed with the man’s complaint, which baffled other people online.
Following a flight, the man asked flight attendants on Reddit: “For years, the curtains would be drawn and flight attendants would be very strict about using restrooms in other classes than the one in which the passenger was booked.
“I now have the opportunity and good fortune to frequently fly business class – and I’ve noticed that it seems to be a free for all these days.
“The curtains don’t seem to be drawn or secured and FAs don’t enforce this.

“I’ve been on several flights recently where first/business had a queue caused by economy passengers. It was just people coming right up to the front – or on long haul, just deciding to use the business class bathrooms.
“Have the rules changed? I am not elitist about it – it’s more of a hygiene issue as one of the perks of the more expensive ticket is supposed to be reduced restroom traffic.”
One flight attendant responded, saying: “If people gotta go they gotta go.”
Another wrote: “We are advisors not enforcers.
“When I am in business/first class I kindly ask passengers to use the bathroom in their corresponding class. If they listen awesome, if they don’t, awesome.
“I’m not going to get into an argument about a bathroom.”
Aviation expert Irene King has previously explained that, although economy passengers generally shouldn’t use the business and first-class toilets, it isn’t a rule that is set in stone.
She told Stuff.co.nz that urgency, among a few other factors can grant those passengers access to the loos near the front of the aircraft.
She said: “You pay for what you get, however there are exceptions, particularly if there’s an urgent need.”
Former flight attendant Kat Kamalani also explained that passengers can get the first class perk without actually having to be in first class.
She explained on her TikTok account: “Everyone always thinks you can’t use the first class bathroom but you totally can.
“As long as you’re not standing in the galley, you are free to use their lavatory.”

Meanwhile, another flight attendant revealed the free perks you can get on board planes – you only need to ask.
And a man recently publicly shamed his girlfriend for leaving him in economy class after upgrading her own seat.