
Norval Morrisseau’s Estate Responds To Fraud Ring

The following is a response to the earlier article about Norval Morrisseau on behalf of the artist’s estate in collaboration with CEO Cory Dingle. The estate has faced several unique challenges in response to the number of Morrisseau forgeries on the market, detailed below in Dingle’s own words:

People often ask me: ‘Why does it take 24 years and three failed investigations to finally produce arrests in the largest art fraud case in human history? How did Canada allow this to happen? It is such a sensationalistic story.’ But we told the police after 40 frauds, after one hundred frauds, and now we are up to 6000 and $100 million (CAD).

Here are some of the reasons, and the aftermath.

Lacking resources have the estate feeling overwhelmed

The local police say, ‘Do not come to us. We do not have the resources to help everyone, even though you have been frauded $50,000’. If someone broke into my house and took $50,000, or stole my car, they would act. Instead, six thousand people concerned if their paintings are real or not are told to ‘get a lawyer.’

So, they will get the lawyer and come to the estate for an official opinion on whether the work is authentic. At that point, we are handcuffed: If we say to that person, ‘your painting is fake,’ then the lawyer writes it down and goes back to the gallery and says, ‘the estate says it’s fake.’ That person comes back, and either sues us for defamation of assets, or the individual who has the lawyer asks us to be a witness. We cannot do those 6000 times.

Canada’s archaic art fraud laws mean the country lacks the mechanisms for this unprecedented event in art market history. We have been trying to reach out to government officials and to use this event in a positive way, learn and grow Canadian sophistication, and so far, we have been held in silence.

The financial toll on the Canadian art market is felt

The international community has almost shut down in dealing with Canadian art. People around the world say, ‘Why would we buy or promote Canadian art, and be afraid that the gallery or museum is hanging fakes?’

Because of Canada’s copyright and intellectual property laws, most Canadian artists live below the poverty line…So if I can get a Norval Morrisseau, Canada’s greatest artist, for pennies on the dollar, say $10,000, what is the second, third, fourth, or 500th artist going to get?

Backlash against Indigenous artists is ongoing

Realistically, Morrisseau later in life worked with universal themes that have nothing to do with Indigenous culture, but faces a racist glass ceiling on Indigenous art in the art world with labeling and valuation. We need people like Morrisseau to break this glass ceiling, and bring all Indigenous art up to a level where they are respected the same level as the contemporary artists.

But if I put a Morrisseau artwork in a contemporary show and it is labeled ‘contemporary,’ I will get three, four, five times the price for that painting. If I take that same painting and put it into an Indigenous auction, I get five times less. So why is that?

Since I met Norval 35 years ago (in 1988), we have battled negative stereotypes, which were always his biggest gripe. In Germany or France, Morrisseau is seen as someone who walked between two worlds and had a deep spiritual knowledge. But in 1960, he came out and was called ‘the Bush Savage,’ with the general image of: ‘Can you imagine the Bush Savage could paint this well? Who would have thought?’

Of course, Morrisseau was not a perfect person—nobody is. Anyone challenged with great energy battles both sides constantly. But there is a narrative that Canada sometimes sees Indigenous people as the ‘drunk Indian,’ and the damage done by this to Indigenous community has not been addressed. This is the real issue.

At the same time, Morrisseau was unabashedly bisexual in 1960. Imagine the strength that it took to not only stand up to the racists, but to be openly bisexual at that time. Morrisseau stood up to and smashed these cultural and sexual negative stereotypes.

Explaining the ‘House of Morrisseau’ paintings

In the early 80s, Morrisseau got in with some bad people, and some bad drugs. They had him holed up in a room, and for the cocaine, he would draw the paintings, and people would come in and do the background work (the solid color back) and fill in some colors. He would do the black outline and sign it.

As an estate, we can identify paintings from that period very easily. They were done in circa 1983. The paintings from this batch of current arrests, we had no idea and tried religiously to stop.

Then we must look at the art market. How much of that painting was Norval Morrisseau? Morrisseau was there and accepted that proposition, even though it may have been drug-influenced and he may have been taken advantage of, but he also participated in that painting.

If I look at other contemporary artists, like Warhol, or even if I go back to Michelangelo or da Vinci, they all had apprentices; they all had houses. So, Warhol would take a painting, and someone would come, and they would fold the screen and they would pick the colors and then Warhol would sign the paintings. Is that any different than what Morrisseau was just doing with unscrupulous people?

We call these ‘The House of Norval Morrisseau paintings’ and devalue them as such. Warhol does not label them, or da Vinci, or whoever, but for clarity in the marketplace, we label them.

Uncovering lost works of Norval Morrisseau’s final years

After that 1983 period, Morrisseau realized that there were bad people around him and left. He moved right across the country to Vancouver, where he was homeless to get away in 1984.

We got him off the streets in 1987, but he was still very isolationist. He had enough of the ‘drunk Indian’ narrative, of the people ripping him off. He transformed his entire color palette and art focus, turning from the ‘Indian artist’ into universal themes, and exploded spiritually. He focused every day on waking up and studying the spiritualities of everyone around the world, boiling them down into their essential oil and those universal truths of humanity.

I am looking at a painting now: The Honor of Mother. That is a universal truth that we should all learn. Interconnectivity. Interdependency. Looking at everybody as spiritual, energetic beings. No race, no sexuality, none of that stuff. What is your soul doing at this moment?

But 1984 is when academia’s knowledge of him stops…and it was our fault. After 1987, Morrisseau refused interviews, even as he painted every single day prolifically. In the past, when he was transient and people would give him paper, he had good output. But once we got him stabilized, and he was finally sober (and he stayed sober except for one period of two months until he died), we were prolific in his paintings, but we never shared them. So, the estate has a massive collection of his works from 1987 until he died.

Around 1997, he got Parkinson’s disease, and his hand would shake except for when he held the paintbrush. The medical community was fascinated, and he went through a battery of tests, but we still did not know why, especially when people would say he should either have been dead or shaking uncontrollably.

Meanwhile, academics said, ‘He should stop painting, it’s not his best work.’ We would counter, ‘Well, yeah, but you’re not seeing the great spirit and strength that he continues to paint at all.’

Eventually the Parkinson’s took over in the last year of his life and Morrisseau passed away in 2007. And when I opened the vault to these same academics, they were absolutely blown away at the scope of their work. It is sculptures and drums, sticks, and costumes, hats and shirts, and paintings of all types. It is massive and the world has never seen it.

Until the academics finish the last two chapters of his life, which he considered the zenith of his spirituality and his art, color therapy and all these universal messages, then the world will have access to our collection.

The 1990s criminal ring proliferates amidst internet disinformation

The first time we saw those new ‘largest art fraud in human history,’ paintings was in 1998. The artist had no idea what was going on; we received no money; we took part in no way. We signed sworn statements to stop it, we created the Norval Morrisseau Heritage Society; we contacted the police; we did everything. Unfortunately, the doucmentary There Are No Fakes merged those two entities and muddled that timeline. I later spoke to the director about this need for clarification.

When you do a fake, you do it very well, you try to create provenance in the holes in that person’s time of their life and slide it into an auction very quietly. These people were brand new to the art fraud world, and they produced so many they could not do that method. We were lucky because they were so terrible that they had an assembly line of people painting them, so they are also easy to pick out.

But in 2000, these fraudsters used a brand-new tool called social media, where they completed a false narrative to be able to justify where these six thousand paintings came from. This was a new wrinkle in the art world. Because of these blogs now populate the search engines around the world, the disinformation they cause is infinitely damaging—not only just to the art market and the price, but the culture and legacy of the Indigenous people. And of course, they use the blog to discredit anyone else as well.

The battle that we go through to get Google to remove these blogs is epic. We have hundreds of abuse reports filed, sent them scans of evidence. Yet when I finally get them to reply, they say, ‘I’m sorry this is a gray area, we can’t do much about it.’

What are you talking about? These people just got arrested. They are sitting in jail. This is a serial rapist making a fraud ring sitting in jail and you will not take his blog off. It is absolutely madness. We need to do something about that factor.

Just to talk about the art fraud does not tell the whole story. That narrative does a genuine disservice to one of the world’s greatest artists and the contributions that he gave for society. So much of our growth as a nation has come from looking at Morrisseau’s lessons and doing better. Even with all the suffering that he took, he still managed to forgive Canada and provide art to the Canadian people. He believed in Canada and its people, and he would want us to use this unprecedented moment in time, to better ourselves for all of Canada.

MORE FROM FORBESThe Largest Art Fraud In History?


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