Purpose is significantly linked with happiness.
Happiness is a worthy goal—and one most people seem to be stiving for. But contrary to common belief, you won’t achieve it by pursuing it for its own sake, by focusing on yourself or by achieving the traditional trappings of success.
In reality, happiness comes from more than these, and one of the primary origins of happiness is a sense of purpose.
Happiness matters because it feels good, but also because it contributes to greater physical health and mental health. It is correlated with greater satisfaction with life, and it’s linked with expanded capability to contribute toward community.
So how does purpose matter in the happiness equation?
The Purpose-Happiness Link
Purpose contributes to happiness—when participants in a study felt a greater sense of purpose, they tended to feel more positive emotions—specifically contentment, relaxation, enthusiasm and joy. And they felt less angry, anxious, sluggish or sad. They also reported greater satisfaction with life and overall wellbeing. This was according to a brand new study by Kaylin Ratner published in the Journal of Happiness Studies.
Many other studies have linked purpose with all kinds of benefits from reduced mortality and incidence of cardiovascular disease to less loneliness. Greater purpose was also correlated with better outcomes for companies—like growth, market expansion and successful product launches. Employees also saw upsides of more purpose-driven work environments in terms of feeling like work was more meaningful, feeling happier and bring more productive.
Purpose Isn’t So Big
The problem with purpose is that it can be fraught with pressure. A general belief is that purpose is based on addressing enormous issues like world hunger or global peace. And while these are wonderful pursuits (thanks to those who are working toward these), it’s also purposeful to wake up every morning and do your best—making the contribution of your talent and skills that is uniquely your own.
Purpose doesn’t have to be accomplished in big things. Its significance comes in the work you do for your family, your friends, your team or your community—no matter what that work is.
Purpose can be both inspiring and grounding—and these can foster happiness.
Why Purpose Matters So Much
Purpose is connected to happiness for a few reasons—and these suggest how to be happier every day with a greater sense of meaning.
#1 – Purpose Focuses You
Purpose provides an important sense of focus in what can be a chaotic world. There is a daily deluge of information from so many sources all at once, and attention has become one of the most scarce resources. But a sense of purpose can provide focus—giving you a reason for your actions.
Perhaps you show up for your job every day so you can provide for your children or create a stable life for you and your partner. Or maybe you’re a purchasing agent and the parts you source go into the production of walkers for the elderly—giving them mobility and quality of life. Perhaps you’re a tax expert and you prepare returns for clients who would otherwise be overwhelmed by the process on their own. All of these are meaningful ways you contribute your skills to others.
Despite all the noise, you can use purpose to focus—reminding yourself about why you wake up every morning—to provide for your family, to make a difference to your teammates or to support your clients.
#2 – Purpose Grounds You
A sense of awe has been linked with happiness. Awe is the feeling that you are in the presence of something greater than yourself. You’re at the beach and the crashing waves impress you, or you look at a sunset and feel inspired. Maybe you’re on a mountain peak and you’re moved by the view, or the sound of a child’s laughter gives you hope. All of these affect you by reducing blood flow to the part of your brain which is vigilant about yourself and how you’re being perceived. You tend to feel small in the face of things which are grand—and this can give you a sense of liberation and happiness.
Purpose can do this as well. You feel like the work you do matters to someone, and your small part of something has meaning—and you’re empowered to act. You work on the cafeteria line at a university and check in with the student each day, helping them to feel seen and providing a touchstone for their wellbeing. You work through an issue with a customer who is upset and help them reduce their stress. You notice your teammate is struggling with a project and offer to guide them through the new system so they can get their work done and home to their family on time.
To find happiness with purpose, consider what matters in the bigger picture and how your role can make a difference to others.
Purpose is found in small, unique contributions of your talents.
#3 – Purpose Connects You
Feeling socially disconnected is one of the fastest routes to depression, anxiety and other mental health challenges. It is also a sure path to physical health challenges. But happiness is linked with feeling part of a community—and so is purpose.
People feel the greatest sense of purpose when their work matters to others. The corporate goal to grow at 15% per year or the organizational objective to penetrate new markets are standard—but what truly motivates and engages people is clarity about how corporate growth or market penetration will help the community. Perhaps the new product will help mothers with quality of life for their children or bring friends together in new ways. Maybe the service your organization offers will make life easier for a struggling population somehow. Purpose is connected to people—and how you’re making a difference for others through the value chain of your work.
Give thought to how your work serves others, how it contributes to your team or to your client. Make your purpose personal and it will be most effective in contributing to happiness as well.
The Power of Purpose
It is a myth that happiness is a constant state. In reality, it will ebb and flow—you’ll have up days and down days—but these can be part of a life in which you feel an overall sense of joy and contentment. And purpose is like this as well—some days you may feel more purposeful, and other days may feel more transactional.
But do your best, make your contribution and keep others in mind. These will be adding not only to your happiness, but also to community—worthy pursuits for sure.