
Red flag symptom of cancer you can only spot after dark

Cancer is a disease that will shockingly affect 1 in 2 people in the UK, with 1,000 more receiving a diagnosis each day.

Sadly, only half of those diagnosed with cancer survive for a decade or more post-diagnosis, highlighting the critical importance of early detection.

This is why GPs constantly urge individuals to remain vigilant and heed any unusual signs or symptoms that could be indicative of cancer – as early diagnosis and treatment significantly improve survival chances.

Cancer Research has released a list of 23 common yet often overlooked symptoms that could suggest the presence of cancer, advising anyone experiencing these to consult their doctor as soon as possible. It might be nothing, but it might save your life.

According to the NHS’ own data, 1 in 2 people will develop cancer during their lifetime, with the four most prevalent types in the UK being breast, lung, prostate, and bowel cancer.

However, it’s not just smokers and red meat consumers who are at risk (although both factors have been linked to increased cancer risk), as various forms of cancer can develop in seemingly healthy individuals.

One symptom that can only be detected at night is excessive sweating, also known as night sweats. This condition involves profuse sweating that drenches your nightwear and bedding, despite sleeping in a cool environment.

Night sweats are commonly triggered by menopause, anxiety, or certain medications such as steroids and antidepressants. Hypoglycemia can also be a cause, but concerns should prompt a check-up as night sweats are listed among the 23 typical cancer indicators by Cancer Research UK.

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Cancer Research UK has highlighted these 23 symptoms to be vigilant about:

– Very heavy night sweating

– Fatigue

– Unexplained bleeding or bruising

– Unexplained pain or acne

– Unexplained weight loss

– An unusual lump or swelling anywhere on your body

– A new mole, or a change to a mole

– Skin changes or a sore that won’t heal

– Croaky voice, hoarse voice or a cough that won’t go away

– Coughing up blood

– Difficulty swallowing

– Breathlessness

– Persistent heartburn or indigestion

– Unusual changes to the size or feeling of your breast

– Persistent bloating

– Loss of appetite

– A change in bowel habit such as constipation, looser stool or going more often

– Blood in your stool

– Unexpected vaginal bleeding including after sex, between periods or post-menopause

– Blood in your urine

– Problems urinating

The NHS advises on cancer detection: “It’s important to be aware of any new or worrying symptoms.”

“Although it’s unlikely to be cancer, it’s important to speak to a GP so they can investigate. Finding cancer early means it’s easier to treat.”

“If your GP suspects cancer, they’ll refer you to a specialist usually within 2 weeks.”

Cancer Research UK further notes: “There are over 200 different types of cancer that can cause many different signs and symptoms. Sometimes symptoms affect specific areas of the body, such as our tummy or skin. But signs can also be more general, and include weight loss, tiredness (fatigue) or unexplained pain.”

“It’s important to be aware of what is normal for you and speak to your doctor if you notice any unusual changes or something that won’t go away. This can help to diagnose cancer at an early stage, when treatment is more likely to be successful.”

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