
Save the date: webinar on women in science & technology – European Commission

Next Monday, 6 March 2023, Eurostat will hold a webinar on women in science, technology and research. The live stream is set from 10.00 to 11.00 CET, and everyone is welcome to join.

This event will cover the participation of women in science, technology and research and go deeper in terms of gender balance in this area at the EU level and across various economic sectors. How do women fare compared to men in terms of educational background? What is their share in employment in science and technology? How many female scientists and engineers do we have in the EU compared to men? These are some of the questions that our experts will answer. 

Sophie Limpach, director of Eurostat’s business and trade statistics, will open the event, followed by Alvaro Diez Soto, head of unit of innovation and digitalisation, and Sorina Vaju, team leader for science, technology, and innovation, who will present Eurostat data on this issue. Athanasia Moungou, policy officer at the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, will focus on the policy perspective.  

The webinar will be streamed on the Eurostat website and Eurostat Facebook account. It is open to anyone interested, and there is no need to register. There will be an opportunity to ask questions via Slido

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Poster: webinar on women in science, technology and research


Starting today, Eurostat will also publish several articles on gender leading up to International Women’s Day. These might help you learn about this issue or get an overall view of the present situation:  

  • Gender employment gap among parents, Q3 2022 
  • Gender employment gap in part-time employment, Q3 2022 
  • Income gender gap by degree of urbanisation, 2021  
  • Gender gap in self-employment, Q3 2022 
  • Jobs with the highest shares of women, Q3 2022 
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On 8 March, the Statistics Explained articles on gender pay gap statistics and gender statistics will also be updated. 

If you are looking for statistics on women and men that will help anyone better understand gender equality, we prepared a list of resources available on our website, so you have direct access without having to spend any extra time searching for them. 

First, you can start by visiting the Eurostat thematic section on equality and from there jump directly to the equality database, which has a section on gender equality and includes education, labour market, earnings and social inclusion, childcare, health and digital economy and society.  

Another resource that offers an interesting analysis on gender is “The life of women and men in Europe: 2022 interactive edition”.

The labour market (including Labour Force Survey) database also offers data with breakdown analysis by sex if you want to go deeper. The same happens with the EU statistics on income and living conditions survey (EU-SILC) which covers poverty, social exclusion, housing, labour, education, and health. More information can be found in their respective dedicated sections on the labour market and income and living conditions


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