
Stunning Lighting Designs by Laurids Gallée

These eye-catching lighting designs are by Laurids Gallée. The Austrian designer and Eindhoven grad runs his own design studio in Rotterdam.

Pool Light 01 is made of polymer resin, aluminum and LEDs:

Pool Light 02 is a floorstanding version:

For some reason, of the three only this Empyrean Suspended 01 light has earned a proper description on Gallée’s website:

“Inspired by celestial elements of fire and light distorting powers of black holes, Empyrean Suspended 01 is a ceiling light with a warm yet monumental presence. Made of resin and lit by 24m of LED-light strips, the geometric composition of the light fixture creates an illusion of light floating and moving around inside the softly curved resin blocks.”

There are no prices listed; these are apparently made to order.


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