
Tesla pulls back on building new electric charging stations, raising questions on the future of EV cars –

Tesla station
On the forefront of electric car development, Tesla shapes the publics opinion on the industry.

Billionaire Elon Musk’s Tesla company has been on the forefront of the growth in popularity electric cars. The company is the leader in electric charging ports across the country, an effort to encourage car shoppers to opt for their electric cars over gas powered vehicles.

However, earlier this week the company let go of 500 employees, an act that shocked competitors and consumers alike. These employees were a crucial part of expanding the network of tesla branded charging stations. This decision will have impacts beyond tesla as the company all but shapes the publics opinion on electric cars.

Charging stations will continue to grow, but with setbacks

The abrupt firing of these employees came as a huge shock and the market will take time to adjust to the change. There will be a definite lull in building new charging ports. Tesla accounts for over half of the nation’s fast chargers built.

The previous plan for Tesla was to aggressively build more and more chargers to keep up with the demand for electric vehicles. Many Americans are hesitant to purchase an electric vehicle because they are worried they would run out of charge with no way to fuel up.

Increasing the density of chargers across the country would significantly reduce this concern. Increasing the number of fast chargers that outpace other public chargers to charge cars in record time would also reduce fear of electric cars.

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Other producers will likely pick up the slack, but folks view of electric cars could not. The public’s view on Tesla largely skews the view on electric cars as a whole.

Tesla had recently opened up the door for other car manufacturers to enter the electric car market. Nearly all manufacturers agreed to use the standard Tesla charging port in the development of new electric cars, a move that both expanded the availability of chargers and also reduced the control Tesla held over charging stations.

The environment suffers in unease and setbacks for electric cars

The benefit of electric cars lays within their decreased use of gas, therefore fossil fuels. Electric vehicles greatly reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that enter the atmosphere. Increased use of these kinds of cars promises lasting effects in lowering the rate of global warming.

Traditional cars generate innumerable amounts of pollution, largely CO2 which is the most commonly found anthropogenetic greenhouse gas. Hopefully, other charger manufacturers will be able to step in to pick up the slack in the wake of Tesla’s layoffs to allow for further growth in the electric sector. Expanding the market on electric cars is a step in the right direction for reducing our impact on the environment.

News reference:

Jack Ewing, Ivan Penn. New York Times. “Tesla Pullback Puts Onus on Others to Build Electric Vehicle Chargers.”

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