
Textile industry body seeks schemes to help achieve $100 billion export target by 2030

The Confederation of Indian Textile Industry (CITI) has urged the government to introduce schemes to drive investment and scale in the textile and apparel (T&A) industry to boost exports towards the US$100 billion target by 2030.

Ministry of Textiles has set an ambitious target of achieving US$ 100 billion in textile and apparel exports by 2030. Markets like USA and EU will play a key role in achieving this ambitious target. Hence, there is a dire need for the government to develop various export promotion initiatives to boost textile and apparel exports in these markets.

The Chairman of CITI Rakesh Mehra said, “USA accounts for about 27 per cent of India’s T&A exports. During the last 5 years, India’s exports to the USA have increased at a CAGR of about 3.3 per cent. It would require our exports to grow at a CAGR of about 16 per cent to achieve the visionary target of US$ 100 bn exports by 2030.”

Mehra highlighted the potential opportunities arising from the recent political changes in the USA. “Donald Trump, the newly elected President of the USA is likely to announce additional tariffs on Chinese products as one of his initial measures upon taking office. Since China is a major supplier of T&A products to the USA, this tariff shift presents a unique opportunity for India to expand its share in the US market,” he said.

To capitalize on this opportunity, Mehra emphasized the need for strategic marketing initiatives, including trade exhibitions, buyer-seller meetings, and partnerships with US retailer associations. “Enhancing our visibility and presence in the US market through these targeted efforts will be crucial for tapping into this potential,” he added. In addition to the marketing efforts, CITI called for the continuation of schemes like the Interest Equalization Scheme (IES), and RoDTEP schemes for AA/SEZ and EoU units beyond 31st December 2024 to ensure cost competitiveness of the Indian T&A products.

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Furthermore, income-tax relief for MSME manufacturing units was stressed to ensure sustainable growth within the textile sector. “These policy interventions, combined with focused initiatives aimed at key export markets like the USA, will strengthen India’s overall export strategy and enhance the global competitiveness of the Indian textile industry,” Mehra concluded.

  • Published On Dec 30, 2024 at 04:21 PM IST

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