What is the best font for a resume?
Your resume is the most important part of the job application process, because without a well-written one, hiring managers will not consider you. Not only does well-written mean that it is properly structured, contains all the right information, and is grammatically correct, but you should also write your resume in the right font. Unfortunately, there are several fonts that will get your resume ignored and avoided so here is more information about the best fonts for resumes in 2023.
The Best Fonts to Use on Your Resume
A good font will make your resume stand out in a sea of candidates applying for the same job. Here are some of the best fonts to use for your resume.
Calibri: The Calibri font has a contemporary style with a modern, clean, and professional appearance. The font is easy to read and aesthetically pleasing. Calibri is a default font on Microsoft, making it compatible across the board. The fonts compatibility eliminates the risk of formatting issues that can happen when using less common fonts.
Garamond: Garamond is the alternative to Times New Roman. It gives the resume a more polished, and classic look, making it a lot more interesting in comparison to the Times New Roman. The font allows more text to fit on the page without reducing the size and compromising readability.
Lato: Originally designed for corporate use, Lato, a sans-serif font is serious, but friendly, making it perfect for resumes. It has several varieties including light weights, thin, and hairline.
Verdana: The Verdana font was specifically designed for onscreen viewing, making it great for both digital and print formats. It’s even proportions and wide letter spacing give it an organized, and refined look.
Fonts Not to Use on Your Resume
If you want to make a good first impression with your resume, there are several fonts you should avoid, here are some of them.
Times New Roman: While this may come as a surprise because the majority of people use Times New Roman, it is one of the worst fonts to use for resumes. Here are some of the main reasons why:
· Generic and Overused: Since Times New Roman is the most popular font, everyone uses it, which gives your resume a generic appearance.
· Not Easy on the Eye: The font has small lines at the end of each character, and this can make it difficult to read.
· Outdated Appearance: Times New Roman was originally designed for print and looks outdated in the modern digital era.
Arial: Arial is not the best font for resumes because it lacks the unique characteristics required to give your resume that extra appeal. It is a bland sans-serif font with no distinctive features which makes it a bad choice for small text. Additionally, it’s easy to confuse some of the letters. For example, lower case ‘L’ can be mistaken for uppercase ‘I.’
Comic Sans: Comic sans was inspired by comic lettering and so it has a fun and playful appeal. Therefore, it is not suitable for a professional document like a resume. Also, the font has varying and irregular character shapes which can make your resume look unorganized and unpolished. Consistency in readability and design are essential for a well-structured resume.
The Best Font Size to Use For Your Resume
The best font size to use for normal text are 11-12pt, and 14-16pt for section titles and headers. These font sizes will ensure there is a demarcation between sections, and that the text is easy to read.
Choosing the right font for your resume is essential for presenting your skills and qualifications effectively. Although there isn’t a universal “best” font, as you have just read, there are several to choose from. Ultimately, the best font is the one that boosts your resume’s impact, so try out a few to see which one appeals to you the most.