
Thousands of dolphins off California’s coast may have tried to send us a message

In Douglas Adams’ 1979 cult classic, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, the narrator says dolphins are the second most intelligent creatures on Earth — after mice, and before humans. While humans live tucked away in the conceit that they’re masters of the universe, sometimes dolphins send out a correctional signal. Like they did last Friday at Monterey Bay, south of San Francisco, when more than 2,000 Northern right whale dolphins, Pacific white-sided dolphins, and light grey baby calves were spotted by a private boat tour company captain and his survey team. The vision of them arching in and out made the water look like ‘it was boiling’. Stumbling upon a super pod – a normal-sized pod has 10-15 dolphins – is truly of biblical proportions.Drone images show an approaching high-speed invasion of mermaids off the California coast. The dolphins, according to (human) experts, may have been clustering to fend off predators, rushing to a new ‘food outlet,’ or just hanging out in one big ’Phin Par-taay. No dolphins were available for comment. In a sequel to Hitchhiker’s Guide…, Adams writes how dolphins had tried to warn humans about the destruction of Earth. But humans misinterpreted their messages, the last one being, ‘So long, and thanks for all the fish.’ If last week’s spectacle was a message, it, too, will go ‘unread’. Dumbass humans.


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