
When the company communicates

One ambitious office worker decided to improve morale by organising a team-building event. She sent out a company-wide email: ‘Hello team, this weekend we’ll be hosting a team-building exercise to enhance communication and collaboration. Let me know if you’d like to participate.’ Within two minutes, replies poured in.

The first email read, ‘Will there be snacks?’ The second chimed in, ‘Do we get overtime pay?’ A third employee asked, ‘Can we do this virtually instead of in person?’

It didn’t stop there. One response complained about the timing, another wanted to know if they could bring pets, and someone else flat-out said, ‘Hard pass.’

By the end of the day, the worker sent out a follow-up email: ‘Team building cancelled. Thanks for demonstrating that our communication is flawless.’

Midweek Crisis

The boss called an employee into his office, looking both frustrated and amused. ‘Listen,’ the boss began, ‘you’ve been late three times this week. Do you know what that means?’The employee, trying to look apologetic but clearly unfazed, shrugged. ‘Uh… that it’s only Wednesday?’


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