
Whitman twins with TTTS undergo lifesaving surgery in Boston – Enterprise News

HANSON— A Hanson couple’s twin boys received a lifesaving operation from Boston’s Children’s Hospital, leading them to live an everyday life like their parents intended.

When you’re pregnant, sitting in the doctor’s office, going over the potential risks, you never think any of them could “happen to you” until it does.

Shannon Hogan and her boyfriend Mike Staples never thought in a million years their twin boys would develop twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS), which is when one twin receives too much blood flow and the other too little while in utero due to an imbalance in the placenta’s blood vessels.

This can lead to significant “growth differences between twins, preterm birth, congenital anomalies, and cardiac and neurological issues,” said Boston Children’s Hospital spokesperson Gina Mantica.

“The clinical team disconnected the blood vessel connection between Luke and Liam, and now they are happy and healthy,” Mantica said.

The doctor, Eyal Krispin, who specializes in fetal medicine and surgery, performed the successful operation on the twins, who turned 10-months-old on April 6.

He went in and disconnected the vascular connections by laser on the placenta to create an equal playing field for the twins to receive vital blood and nutrients.

TTTS has different levels of severity, and there’s a 90% chance of losing the entire pregnancy without medical intervention, Krispin said.

Once the procedure happens, there’s a 70% chance of both being alive at birth, Krispin said.

Hogan, who is now a stay-at-home mom, found out she was having twins during the ultrasound and cried the entire time. She was scared but also crying tears of joy.

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“I was excited but also scared. Twins don’t run in our family,” Hogan said.

The journey of TTTS was not easy for the new mom. She spent more than eight hours doing tests in the hospital.

“It was overwhelming, but I wouldn’t change a thing,” Hogan said.

Adjusting to being a new mom is challenging, but Hogan is getting into a schedule and rhythm in sync with motherhood.

The twins were premature and stayed in the hospital for several months, which was emotionally and physically draining at times for the family.

All they wanted to do was bring their babies home and enjoy their new life.

“It was a rollercoaster of emotions,” Hogan said.

Prior to giving birth, she was in the hospital for three weeks, and the only thing she wanted was to lay in her own bed at home.

Now that the boys are healthy and home, life is starting to feel like it’s falling into place for the family.

Hogan is looking forward to holidays and outdoor family activities, and the boys are growing into their personalities.

“My favorite part of being a mother is honestly watching their daily changes. One day, they’re just laying there, and the next, they’re crawling around,” Hogan said.

You could be having a bad day, and they look up at you and smile, and your heart melts,” Hogan said.


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