
Your star sign’s tarot horoscope for the month of July 2024

Get ready for a new month (Picture: Getty/

Having just celebrated the solstice, July is the first month of the year when the days start getting shorter.

Don’t fret though, there’s still plenty of fun, social, summery vibes to enjoy – at least if the Mercury moving into sunny-side-up Leo (July 2) has anything to do with it.

A New Moon in Cancer on July 5 will see people focusing on their home and family, but 2024’s second Capricorn Full Moon on July 21 brings a greater sense of drive and determination to the professional sphere.

Ahead, you’ll find your star sign’s tarot horoscope for the month of July 2024, with three tarot cards drawn for each sign and their meaning for you explained.


March 21 to April 20

Aries, you might just surprise yourself with how much you enjoy this phase (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Aries for July: Ten of Cups, Ten of Coins, Page of Coins

Meaning: Home is where it counts

This July is all about settling down, creating firm and secure foundations, and bedding in where you feel safe, appreciated, and most at home. Putting down roots is important. This is the first stage of major growth, because you can’t rise up from a wobbly platform, right?

The Ten of Cups and Coins combine to bring loyal and lasting vibes to your relationships and home life. You are nesting. It feels right. The Page of Coins shows some of this is new territory for you, and you’re living and learning as you go.

That’s okay, so are we all! Revel in your new-found stability and domesticity. Home is where the heart is. Make your nest happy and harmonious. Feel this is the safe sanctuary you can fight for.

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries


April 21 to May 21

Well done for holding firm in your beliefs (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Taurus for July: Justice, Death, Knight of Cups

Meaning: You are vindicated

Justice shows you were on the right side of the street and you’re about to be vindicated and rewarded. Karma was watching this all unfold and she’s ready to deal out the consequences.

Death shows this will kind of change everything, and you should embrace the opportunities and new energy this shift in events creates. Don’t rub the losers’ noses in it but do hold your head high and march on towards what’s now on offer. Enjoy this moment.

The Knight of Cups shows it will bring you happiness, peace, company, attention and opportunity, and you deserve it. Biting your tongue and watching an injustice play out was hard, but it’s all going to come good. Patience and time are the two strongest warriors. Remember that.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus


May 22 to June 21

This isn’t your mess to clean up (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Gemini for July: Four of Swords, Page of Swords, The Tower

Meaning: Let it burn

Sometimes, just letting things collapse and end is actually a massive cathartic relief. There is a situation you’ve let swing on its own weight, and consequently it might become very heavy this month and collapse. Will you be surprised? Not really. It’s been a long time coming in truth.

The Four of Swords shows your withdrawal here, you grew tired of trying. The great thing here is that none of this is on you, it’s not your doing. Your withdrawal just exposes how much you were propping it all up.

The Tower shows its collapse. Something will kick it down. It’s not a bad thing. It was false or fading anyway. The Page of Swords shows your ambivalence here. What’s done is done. Let this go. No regrets. Everything happens for a reason, the cosmos has done you a favour and taken this mess away, so let it go.

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Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini


June 22 to July 23

Try not to take things to heart (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Cancer for July: Nine of Swords, Three of Coins, Queen of Coins

Meaning: Overthinking people’s opinions

We’re all sensitive and we all worry what others think, maybe none more so (very secretly, though) than Cancer. Your hard shell covers a heightened sensitivity and worry. You have been whittling about something at work, with the ‘unspoken fears’ card Nine of Swords. And it’s all gotten out of proportion.

I feel like, with the Three of Coins, this is about a concern over your standing or reputation, what others think, what they might be saying, what is going on behind closed doors. You’re dwelling on it.

However, the Queen of Coins asks you to shake this cloud of worry away. You are thought highly of, there are no hidden conversations going on. Be confident in your skills, go for a promotion or raise or greater scope of responsibility. You’re ready to go to the next level. Maybe it’s the fear of change and progress that is rattling you. Don’t be anxious. Embrace your growth.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer


July 24 to August 23

Great things are coming if you just let go (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Leo for July: Ten of Swords, Page of Cups, Knight of Cups

Meaning: Release toxicity

Sometimes, success has a price, Sometimes, the price is a sacrifice. What needs to be let go of here is easy because, if only you could see what riches and rewards lie ahead for you if you just let go of this one toxic, draining, negative thing in your life (that, for some reason, you’re reluctant to).

Leo, do it. The Ten of Swords comes when we’re cosmically backed into a corner and need to end something, it has nowhere else to go. It’s over. So just make that overt and known. Consciously untangle yourself. Do it and I promise life will improve.

The Page and Knight of Cups are awaiting in the wings to bring you fun, love, laughter, joy, success and opportunity. But they won’t enter the stage while this ‘presence’ remains. So, get rid of it. No regrets. This might be related to relationships, but also roles or projects you know need to be replaced.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo


August 24 to September 23

Temptation is in the air this July (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Virgo for July: Knight of Coins, The Lovers, King of Swords

Meaning: Love triangle

Unpick a complicated relationship situation, get clarity, and make some important decisions. Simplify matters. It feels like you’re heading into some kind of love triangle or ‘two’s company, three’s a crowd’ scenario with The Lovers and two Court cards – Knight of Coins and King of Swords.

This could be romantic, but it could also be a friendship or family alliance, or even a work situation. Your head and heart are saying different things, you can see both sides, you feel conflicted about where your best interests lie and who you stand with.

The Knight is sensible, practical and worthy, but the King is smart, wily and shrewd. Don’t make a knee-jerk decision here, observe the dynamics and let things unfold. You’ll make your mind up this month and do the right thing. The guiding light here is to get clarity and simplify the situation, then it will be obvious what to do.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo


September 24 to October 23

You know what to do, even if it is deep down inside (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Libra for July: Ten of Swords, Nine of Wands, Page of Swords

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Meaning: Procrastination

Librans are famous for a spot of procrastination, to you it’s just a necessary element of the decision-making process. But, don’t stay here for too long. Indecision and conflicting desires, with the fickle Page of Swords, will lead you into a place where the opportunity you feel so unsure about will probably just magically dry up all by itself, because you took too long to decide. Don’t miss out just because of overthinking it.

The Ten of Swords shows there might be an ending, and the Nine of Wands shows this is nothing to dread or try to avoid. All endings are embryos of new beginnings.

This decision has likely arisen because you are readying to close down a phase, journey, or chapter. Prepare to do so. Accept the shift ahead. In fact, embrace it, because it’s the right time to start on a new trajectory. Don’t try to cling to the current one…. step off and move forwards.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra


October 24 to November 22

New horizons are on the cards (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Scorpio for July: Queen of Wands, Six of Swords, Five of Cups

Meaning: Transitions

Departures and arrivals. A sensation of pivoting from one road to another. No regrets okay? The Five of Cups and Six of Swords have you waving farewell to things, places and people that don’t really merit a spot in your future, albeit they have served you well thus far and deserve a respectful goodbye and a cosy spot in your memory. Something sad has perhaps triggered their departure but it’s inevitable and serves a purpose too.

Let go gracefully because great things lie ahead. Onwards and upwards. That is your mantra right now, and will help you to transition from your comfort zone to new landscape where you’ll find fresh opportunity.

The Queen of Wands has you feeling bold, brave and confident. You are ready to broaden your horizons and challenge yourself to go beyond your familiar scenery.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Scorpio


November 23 to December 21

You love love – and now’s the time to show it (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Sagittarius for July: The Hermit, Two of Cups, King of Cups

Meaning: Relationship building

A passionate month ahead Sagittarius! Excellent news. The Two and King of Cups see you being blessed by Cupid this month.

If you’re single, look out for Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) or a Virgo. If you’re attached then expect things to progress to the next level, whatever that is for you both. Intimacy, connection, bonding, passion and fun are all on the menu, and your feelings will be more than reciprocated.

This is a time to invest deeply into those whom you love and admire. The Hermit shows that you’ll be taking things seriously, and that privacy and ‘alone time’ together is the secret ingredient to making things heat up. Your favourite thing is finding out about other people, getting to know each other, and that is what’s on the cards this July. New connections and intimacy.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Sagittarius


December 22 to January 21

You’re on the move this month (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Capricorn for July: The Chariot, Two of Wands, Nine of Cups

Meaning: Travel feeds the soul

Thinking about a dream holiday? Moving home? Changing location? Seeing more of the world? Getting a new vehicle? Going away on more mini jaunts or outings? If so, then the Universe agrees and is giving you the green light to progress!

The Chariot and Nine of Cups bring dream-come-true magic to any intention or goal around travel or movement. Put purpose into where you go, and why, and how… and you will go far! Travel and new landscapes often stimulate new opportunity and energy too. Broaden your horizons.

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The Two of Wands asks you to focus, though. Snatch your daydream out of the ether and make it happen. Manifest what you fantasise about, focus on it fully, and it will unfold.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Capricorn


January 22 to February 19

Get your head down and don’t forget to network (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Aquarius for July: Eight of Coins, Seven of Coins, Three of Coins

Meaning: Three steps to success

Work hard, make a good impression, be open to new processes and ideas. That three-fold approach will get you further faster than you think is possible in your work, wealth, health and home realms right now this month ahead. Success awaits if you follow those steps.

The Eight of Coins asks you to persist, try hard, keep going, work hard. Don’t quit because breakthroughs, across the board, are coming your way. The Seven of Coins reminds you to let new thinking through, don’t be dogmatic about how you do what you do, or even what you do! Evolve. The Three of Coins shows you’re already respected and admired – build on the goodwill, use your reputation, collaborate, co-create, co-operate.

You can work wonders alongside others when you share the same goal. Major progress is possible this July when you graft, work with an open mind, and collaborate.

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aquarius


February 20 to March 20

Grab this opportunity with both hands (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Pisces for July: Three of Wands, The Moon, King of Coins

Meaning: Discovering secrets

You are deeply psychic and intuitive and can sense other peoples’ true motives or desires strongly. An opportunity to get the very bottom of an intriguing cover-up or secret will emerge this month, in your home/work/financial world, so pay close attention to things that don’t add up – and then dig and probe and research and question!

The Three of Wands shows this opening will be fleeting, and The Moon shows it all points to a mystery or illusion that has, up till now, thwarted your efforts to uncover it. The King of Coins is you being dogged, determined, thoughtful, analytical, shrewd.

You can work this out. And doing so will unlock a big reveal that helps you in life. This information has remained covered up until now because it wouldn’t have been useful. Unseen forces are conspiring to reveal it now, because it is useful.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Pisces

Kerry King, the tarot queen, uses tarot and star sign wisdom to create inspiring forecasts and insights, with over 25 years fortune telling experience, and many happy clients all over the world. You can book a personal, written reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, through Etsy or join her new Tarot Club and get weekly forecasts and more for £5 a month.

Your daily horoscope is here every morning, seven days a week (yes, including weekends!). To check your forecast, head to our dedicated horoscopes page.

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